Amun Ra Reading 28
amun ra
(8th – 21st January and 1st – 11th February)
Understanding, strong, determined, and tactful.
Wealth and Career
Two heads are better than one. Be honest with yourself and admit that you cannot succeed by your own efforts alone. You need great wisdom and experience to guide you, and a pair of extra hands to help with the heavy work. Start looking for partners and mentors. It can be from your friends or extended family, or from former classmates, teachers and colleagues who care about you. Their assistance and unique inputs can push you far towards the path of success.
Love and Relationships
A fire that has not been tended to will always grow cold. Your relationship with your soulmate has become boring and mediocre. Routine and the worries of life have taken their toll. It does not have to be this way. Learn the truth that happiness in love is only possible if you work on it together. Spend some quality time with one another as a couple, and do some enjoyable activities for bonding. There are many ways to drive away boredom in love if you are both willing to look for them.
Health and Protection
When in doubt about something, do not try it. There are many fads out there that promise quick fixes to your health and fitness. Some may be fake, inappropriate for you, or even harmful. Self care does not have to be weird or strange. Stick to the basics instead. Routine exercise, hygiene, healthy eating, and proper rest always works regardless of your physical status. Leave the gullible to follow the traps.