Daily Horoscope Scorpio 4
Scorpio 4
The light of betterment, long dim, is now gazing your way too brightly to look at directly, dear Scorpio. You have struggled and fought your way for this very day and you deserve to indulge every second of it. People who have been too wary and unfriendly towards you will greet you warmly this morning and may offer to buy you coffee to lift your spirits as you have appeared down the past few days. Mingle today with your college friends over desserts, reminiscing will prove to be quite the nostalgic ride for you. Remember that nostalgia is a treat for the soul, that sentimental longing from the past will help you feel socially connected despite being detached the past few days. Do not fear the company, Scorpio. Today is especially tailored for socializing.
On the other hand, keep your love alive. Go the extra mile today to make your partner happy. Rise at least an hour early to make them breakfast in bed with their favorite sunny side up topped with catsup and garnished with herbs, make them a cup of coffee or tea and a nice bowl of pudding for dessert. Or you can surprise them with a carefully-curated lunch or make a reservation in a restaurant you both have yet to try. If you’re single, be on the lookout for a blossoming love, you will potentially capture someone’s heart today without your knowing. Be the deity of love today and shoot that love arrow to your potential love interest!