You lose money constantly because of your own actions. It can be that you stupidly think that you can increase your cash by betting on games of chance. Or you try all kinds of risky investments believing that one or two will eventually return big sums. But most often, it is when you spend it all recklessly on what you do not need, all the while saying that you can regain your lost money when payday comes. We all know the ending of things mentioned, and it always leaves the pockets empty. Open your eyes, and realize that things must change. Be strong against the whispers of the Devil in your ear! Break free from those vices that drain your wallet. Learn the value of saving your cash and of buying only necessities. Be careful also of scammy investments that will rob you in the end. It will take time and massive amounts of discipline and clear thinking on your part, but then it pays off. Your wealth does not have to be wasted by your wrong decisions.