Horus Reading 7

Truthful, faithful, and open.
Wealth and Career
The gods never fail, but the material things of this world do. Do you have tools that you use at work? Have you checked the water and power in your place? These are all prone to breakdowns and problems at this moment. Do not ignore the first signs of trouble. Anything left unfixed can drain your money, time, and resources later on. Take action and get them repaired.
Love and Relationships
Health and Protection
Life is not complete without its problems. So it is with your health. You will have some aches and pains, or certain bothersome conditions that will pester you right now. It can be due to anything from bad habits, to stress, to bad environments. Be not mindless of the causes, or the warning signs. Try to change what can be changed, and to seek help whenever necessary. The maladies that affect your health should not impede on your happiness and productivity.