LEO 2 How can you understand and recover from a breakup/divorce?



How can you understand and recover from a breakup/divorce?


Leo, you are a fire sign and your element is the sun. You’re passionate, creative, and energetic–and you love to be in the spotlight. You’re also a natural leader who loves to be in charge of things. That’s why it can be so hard for you when something goes wrong in your life: because you feel like you should have been able to prevent it from happening! But Leo, things happen that aren’t under our control. And sometimes they happen because we’ve made mistakes or done something wrong ourselves–and sometimes they happen even though we’ve done everything right. It’s important for us to remember that we’re not always responsible for what happens around us or within us; sometimes there are forces at work outside of our control. So if you find yourself going through a breakup or divorce right now? Don’t beat yourself up over it. Instead, take some time to reflect on what went wrong in your relationship and then try to learn from those mistakes so they won’t happen again in the future or at least not with such devastating consequences.

Even if you are the one who decides to end a relationship, Leo, it is never simple. First, a variety of emotions must be dealt with, some of which can linger longer than others. In order to go on to future healthy, trustworthy relationships, including a healthy relationship with yourself, there are additional short-term and long-term steps you may take to recover from a breakup. You must let your feelings out. Your first step toward recovery is to express your emotions. You could experience sadness one minute and rage the next as the mourning process has its ups and downs. Some individuals could even feel relieved. Acceptance, especially just after the split, relief, shock, denial, grief, rejection, agony, betrayal, fear, shame, and sadness are just a few of the sensations and stages of emotion that can be brought on by a breakup.

You can alter your way of living, Leo. In some situations, a breakup causes one or both of the parties to vacate a shared home. The hardship of moving could take a greater emotional toll if you and your partner shared dogs or children during your relationship. Depending on your living situation, you might also need to consider seeking financial help to make up for any lost income that you and your partner formerly shared. Don’t be afraid to contact relatives or friends to discuss options like relocating temporarily while you get your feet under you.

Leo, you might also concentrate on long-term healing. Your mental health will likely play a significant role in your long-term ability to recover from a split. Grief is a process, and there is no set schedule for it. After a breakup, you might need to grieve a little longer. Your entire mental health depends on you giving yourself space to comprehend your new circumstances. Making sure to maintain your social and physical activity will help you maintain your mental health when going through a breakup. This can lessen any discomfort and depression you might be feeling.

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