LEO 2 How should you deal with jealousy?
How should you deal with jealousy?
As a Leo, you are a fiercely loyal friend and lover. You want to be the best at what you do, but you also want to be recognized for it. You need to remember that jealousy is an emotion that stems from insecurity. If you find yourself feeling jealous of another person’s success, try to find ways to boost your confidence and celebrate your own accomplishments instead of focusing on what others have done. However, other people can occasionally be easily envious of your success. Try not to take it personally if you are criticized for being overly pushy or boastful. Instead, put your energy into developing connections with people who seem truly curious about learning more about you, not just what they may gain from being around you. In fact, Leo is a great networking sign because of how approachable you are and how easily you make others feel at ease. People also tend to open up more when they are with someone who listens attentively and initiates conversation rather than just chatting nonstop.
As a Leo, it is important to recognize and acknowledge your feelings of jealousy. Work on understanding the root cause of these feeling such as insecurity or fear so that you can address them in a positive way. Additionally, focus on building self-confidence by engaging in activities which make you feel capable and empowered. Remind yourself of your worth often and keep an open dialogue with those who trigger jealous reactions within you – whether its friends or romantic partners –so that any underlying issues are discussed head-on. Next, you can have frank conversations with your partner. Think about sharing your experience with your partner. When you talk to them about your emotions of jealousy, they may be able to relate to you and change their actions to make you feel more comfortable in your relationship.
Try self-help activities, Leo. Coping techniques could assist you in controlling the negative emotions related to jealousy, particularly if your jealously stems from toxic previous relationships or traumatic events. If you experience jealousy, you might find some of these techniques helpful: emotional freedom techniques (EFT), tapping, repeating encouraging statements, exposure therapy, which involves going into situations that make you feel jealous rather than trying to control or avoid them, grounding exercises, and exercises to build trust.
You can find out more about jealousy, Leo. Almost often, there is a more underlying feeling driving jealousy. It may be a sign of dread, such as the fear of not being good enough, attractive enough, or interesting enough to be selected, or the fear that other people or things are more significant to someone than you. While you frequently need to concentrate on an inside issue when you feel jealous, this isn’t always the case. Because it provides them a false sense of superiority about their own life, some people purposefully want you to feel jealous of them or anything they have or do. Other people could or might not be aware of this. In either case, becoming more aware of who you are will help you comprehend where your jealousy comes from and how, in accordance with your individual needs, you can deal with it.