LIBRA 3 What do you think about long-distance relationships?
What do you think about long-distance relationships?
Healthy long-distance relationships are achievable for a Libra because there are countless ways to contact loved ones. Maintaining a strong relationship with a partner, regardless of where they live—in another city, state, or country—requires constant contact. But there are a lot of things to think about before starting a long-distance relationship. In a long-distance relationship, communication is certainly crucial, but just having more of it isn’t necessarily in the couple’s best interests, especially when it’s forced. Forced communication can result in two things: The first is that you’ll half-assess your connection and spend time with your spouse out of obligation rather than choice when you inevitably have days when you don’t have much to talk about (or don’t feel like talking). Greetings from every horrible marriage ever. 8
Additionally, this unimaginative, filler-heavy style of communication frequently causes more issues than it resolves. It’s probably best to just hang up and try again tomorrow if your spouse seems more interested in talking about his tax returns than your day. Overexposure is a real possibility. The second issue that can arise from forcing communication is that either one or both parties may start to dislike the idea of being forced to interact. This bitterness then leads to foolish arguments that nearly always end with an assertion that “I’m sacrificing more than you are!” “No, I’m making greater sacrifices than you are!” Additionally, playing the “I sacrificed more than you” game was never a solution.
Making every communication voluntary, meaning that both of you can choose to drop out at any time, is the greatest method for Libra to avoid making this error. The secret is to remember that your partner is not your servant and to not take these opt-outs personally when they occur. It is entirely up to them to decide if they are having a hectic week or if they need some alone time. However, you must utilize your partner’s (and your own) need for communication as a gauge for the state of the relationship. It is both the cause and the result of your partner feeling more distant if she suddenly feels like she only wants to talk to you a few times a week rather than a few times a day. That is important to discuss and be open about. The easiest way to communicate with friends and family, and maintain long-distance connections, is through texting. Although weekly phone calls or video chats are encouraged, most of your communication will likely occur via text, particularly if you and your partner have divergent schedules.
Keeping each other informed about advancements, accomplishments, and significant events is undoubtedly vital, but daily details also have a lot of impact. By providing specifics, you can fill in the blanks in your partner’s life that you would otherwise miss and better comprehend their mood. Inquire about things and give your own updates some flavor. When you are reunited, the shift from daily texting to face-to-face communication will be more natural because you will feel closer to one another. Every relationship needs to reach this milestone, but some long-distance partners can’t do it until they’re living together. Meeting your partner’s family is an essential first step. Your significant other telling their family about you is a strong sign that your relationship will last, whether or not you get the chance to meet their family. In the same way, if they update you on the lives of their parents, siblings, and grandparents and talk to you about their family, they are establishing a connection between you and their loved ones. If their biological family is not present in their lives, perhaps their friends might provide a sense of family. The noteworthy aspect is that they introduce you to people they respect in conversation or in person. They want to share their relationship with you with the people they care about, which is a strong indication that they are proud of it.