Love – Commitment and Respect

Temperance – Love, Finances, and Health


Love – Commitment and Respect

Harmony and happiness. You seek to experience that with your lover. Lately, things are not really going well between the two of you. There are arguments and upset feelings. Both of you get triggered by petty irritations and the smallest of failures. It seems you are losing control over the most minor of things! Well, it is obvious, there is a need to listen to the voice of Temperance. Both of you need to calm down first, and develop certain attitudes to make your romance happy. Respect each other’s differences and tolerate the quirks of the other. You are still individuals in a romance, and a bit of space for the other’s uniqueness can prevent silly quarrels from happening. Commit yourselves also to be considerate and kind to the other. Harmony is achieved when both lovers accept each other’s flaws and go out of their way to treat each other well.

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