Osiris Reading 56
Intelligent, and trustworthy.
Wealth and Career
Dealing with money is like a gamble. There is great risk involved with it right now, and you do not know where it will spin. Try not to overdo things to avoid unwanted losses. If ever money does land on your lap for some reason, save as much of it as you can. In these unpredictable times, you do not know when you will actually need cash.
Love and Relationships
A challenging situation brings two people closer together. You and your loved one are going to go through a life trial right now. It will test the limits of your cooperation, life skills, and patience with one another. This will be among the hardest moments of your life if ever you decide not to cop out. However, the rewards of overcoming it are great and it will change both of you for the better.
Health and Protection
The simplest and most inexpensive things are often the best. You do not need to worry about getting enough exercise, or paying money to go to the gym to be fit. Your daily routine can be used to buff your body so long as you know what to do. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Do more of the heavier chores and cleaning at home. Walk more when you are outside or going someplace. Daily life is totally physical so long as you are not lazy.