SAGITTARIUS 1 What makes you fall out of love?
What makes you fall out of love?
As a Sagittarius, you are a person who is always looking for the next big adventure. You are fun and often live life to the fullest, which can make you fall out of love easily. When you find someone you want to spend your life with, you often become too focused on the future and forget to enjoy what is happening in the moment. You start to feel as though there is nothing left for you to explore, so you start looking elsewhere for excitement. This can happen at any stage in a relationship, but it is most likely to happen when you are just starting out or when things have been going well for a while. You may notice that your partner seems less interested in exploring new things together and instead becomes more focused on doing things on their own.
Sagittarius, falling in love is a magical, natural process. Our brains go nuts, releasing the same chemicals discharged during a crisis. Love even mimics the high sensation one feels while on cocaine. This is natural, but it’s also unsustainable. When the initial flame of infatuation subsides, we either settle into a steady, loving partnership or we let the romance fizzle out and move on. Sometimes, the slow burn is confusing, and it becomes hard to tell if we’re in love at all anymore. You fall out of love because you hold resentment toward your partner. Letting resentment simmer without talking about its source is a big indicator that you may be falling out of love. Resentment is also classified as bitterness and it often develops when one partner feels underappreciated or unsupported. Resentment may start out slowly, but over time, it can transform into resenting everything from the dishes, to the sound of their voice, to their haircut. At this point, you’re not able to see your partner’s attributes. Feeling resentful doesn’t automatically mean you’ve fallen out of love, but it can definitely set you on that path if you don’t deal with it.
Sagittarius, you feel indifference toward your partner. Love is a strong emotion, as is hate. Indifference, though, is the complete absence of feeling. If you find yourself totally disinterested in what your partner thinks, feels, says or does, it’s likely that loving feeling is gone. People who only do the bare minimum may be falling out of love. They may oblige with date night, but they feel restless and bored. You may spend time with a partner, but you keep conversations light and on the surface level. Indifference may also look like actively deciding not to ask your partner questions. If you couldn’t care less about a project of theirs or don’t want to hear about their thoughts on a topic, it could mean you’re falling out of love. Furthermore, you have no desire to spend time with your partner. Now, if you’ve been living in close quarters with your partner for a while, you may be desperate to spend time away from them. That’s normal. But, if you genuinely have no desire to even be in the same room as them, it could be a sign of a larger problem. It’s really important to acknowledge this phenomenon internally if this is happening to you.