Sekhmet Reading 38
Chatty, fun, and positive.
Wealth and Career
A true magician can see forests in a handful of small seeds. You are hopeful and farsighted right now in your vision. Your job no longer is a boring task for you, but a stepping stone for something bigger. A few coins no longer looks cheap to you, but they can start a great fortune if properly saved and invested. Even your silliest ideas and daydreams become profitable in your eyes once you realize them into something tangible. To the creative and the resourceful, anything and everything can be a source of wealth.
Love and Relationships
Jumping into what is serious can put a big burden on you. You may not be ready for a real romantic relationship right now. It would be far better to fix some of your immature notions, improve your social skills, and fix your career and financial life first before getting too deeply involved with another person. Start first with casual friendships and with meeting new friends. Strengthening your relations with your family and existing circle of people can also help you greatly. Let them sort you out first before you fall in love with someone else.
Health and Protection
It is time to honor yourself. Your body is a temple, after all. Keeping yourself in good condition need not be hard and boring all the time. You can make the whole thing enjoyable also. You can prepare your vegetables in a delicious and well made recipe for dinner. Exercise can be turned into a sporty game or a fun hike in nature. You can even make bath time a fun spa experience if you have the resources. Your creativity is the limit when it comes to this one.