Tea Leaf Reading 6 clings
tea leaf reading
Like an anchor that clings to solid rock beneath the waters. This is a period of great and increasing stability with regards to your career and finances. There will be no sudden losses in your money and no spectacular failures at work for now. Rather, there will be steady growth and smooth sailing for most of the ride. Gradual breakthroughs may also be achieved at this point. It is time to take advantage of this moment, and to keep on expanding and improving things. Never let this opportunity go to pass.
Rock solid and strong. This is what is foreseen in your romance. Your love relationship is entering a period of stability and harmony right now. There will be no quarrels or serious challenges that will affect your bonds with your partner. It is a perfect moment for doing important milestones together, or for engaging in happy activities as a couple. Happiness in love is to be had now, and you must recognize it for what it is.
Strong and unbreakable. This is where your current state of health is right now. You are in peak condition for now and there will be now problems or issues in the immediate future. Your mental state is also clear and in a good mood. Given your current condition, it is now a perfect time to engage in intense activities and heavy work. You can take it without breaking, so go for what you want to achieve. So long as you rest and care for yourself from time to time, you will be fine.