Tea Leaf Reading content
tea leaf reading

The material rewards and financial stability are within your reach. The only obstacle to them is you yourself. Check your lack of plans, your very indecisiveness. These prevent you from doing what is necessary in attaining future prosperity. Get your act together, and think about your next moves carefully. Unwanted struggles can be avoided if you have a well thought out plan for your success.
There are some difficulties in your search for romance. You may have failed a number of times in trying to find your soulmate, or there are many people who are opposed to your relationship. This is no time to lose strength, not the point where you must give up. Have courage and keep putting effort for your romantic and relationship goals. You will eventually overcome all these in the end. A happy love story with your soulmate is possible when you have conquered all that stands in your way.
A lot of things could be done better. You are not unwell, but you are also not in your best state of being. It is just your health is so mediocre that it keeps you feeling dull. It is time for some challenges to yourself! Try doing things that will test your endurance and physical stamina. A new sports or workout routine can do those. Changes to eating habits or sleep time can also be great. Doing the work can bring the pieces together into a stable whole.