Spiritual Wellness individuals

Bad Condition

Your well-being will not be in good shape today because you will have a strong sense of resentment and frustration toward the individuals in your immediate environment. You are going to want to withdraw within yourself and avoid having any contact with other people. You should avoid being near other people today because it will not benefit you. You can have the impression that everyone is plotting against you, and because of this perception, it might be difficult for you to get any job done. This is because you will experience feelings of extreme frustration as well as anger directed on yourself. You will also have a strong desire to be alone, but if you are going to be in the company of other people, it would be best for you to just let things unfold organically and go with the flow of whatever is going on. You are going to be quite sensitive to constructive criticism, and you will have the impression that you are being assaulted. Today may leave you with the impression that everyone is out to get you and that you are trapped in by enemies.

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