Spiritual Wellness shape

Bad Condition

Your spiritual wellness is not in good shape now. You may have been feeling like a victim of circumstance, and that is not an incorrect perception; the circumstance in which you find yourself right now is just incredibly terrible. You are so accustomed to having power over your surroundings that you are at a loss for what to do when it appears that you have no control over anything. However, this is precisely the issue. You are attempting to exert control over a situation that is beyond your sphere of influence. It is no longer about you; rather, it is about other people and the decisions they make, both of which are outside of your sphere of influence. As a result, you need to exercise some self-control and refrain from making any attempts to affect the outcome of the activities that took place today. It is not possible to force another person to do something that they do not want to do or to change their mind about something that is very important to them. This is because people cannot be forced to do things against their will. Why go to the trouble of trying to control another person’s life when you have no influence over what takes place in their world?

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