Tea Leaf Reading Meaning 3
tea leaf reading

Prosperity and success are in your cards. You are about to attain them very soon. It is the very direction to which you are headed to. The road to them, however, will be rough. Certain hardships and problems may slow down your efforts. Other issues may sidetrack you. But all of these should not affect you from within. Your stability and strength comes from within. Focus on what you really want and do what you must do, and eventually you will overcome all things and attain what you truly want.
Your romantic relationship is currently undergoing an outer battle. The regular problems and inconveniences that come with being in love are starting to appear before the two of you. This is no cause for alarm, it comes with the territory. Facing them together as a couple will make your relationship stronger and prepare you for future challenges ahead. Remember that your source of stability and strength is between the two of you and within each of you.
Pinpricks and irritations, that is what will bother you right now. There will be minor health problems like allergies, and mild aches and pains that will pester you. It may affect your productivity and your mood, but do not let them bother you too much. You have the strength within to bear with it and heal from within. These are not too serious, but are part of daily living. So long as you properly care for yourself and you are eating and resting well, you will build up resistance to whatever it is that is affecting you from functioning.