
Angel Message Of The Day : Courage Within

Angel of Being 


Reach deep within for you are whole, complete this moment. To find what you’re seeking at the correct time in your life, you must go after what’s inside of you. Because if you don’t attempt, you’ll never know what lies deep within you; for some individuals, it comes naturally, but not for others.


Be in the moment. To take pleasure in the moment and put off thinking about the future. Sometimes, when you are alone, it is impossible to imagine what will happen in the near future, and then all of a sudden, you understand that the decision you made or are currently making is proper or incorrect. You must therefore live in the present for the time being.                                                                                                                               

Be here, now. When we are in the present, often known as the “here and now,” we are conscious of and attentive to the present moment. Instead of being preoccupied with thoughts of the past or the future, we are present in the moment.


Focus upon all that is before you.  You must concentrate on the objective that lies in front of you for your future because if you are not, your emphasis may alter, which could either help or harm what lies within you. If you are not focused on your goal, you may find yourself thinking about potential outcomes differently.


Release all that has come before. You must let go of the past because it has the potential to impact both your present and your future. Instead, concentrate on what is happening in the present now. The motivation behind not thinking before you are to realize your objectives. It’s possible that you’ll have to see it as the lesson you took away from it.


Look not to that which has not yet manifested into physical form. You have to deal with your thoughts before dealing with others’ thoughts because sometimes you think about others’ thoughts that can happen in your mind and eventually change the way you think about it so that it might take on a physical form.

Be aware of where you are at this moment, keeping your focus upon that which is yet to be made manifest. Knowing your life’s purpose requires being mindful of future events that can affect decisions that are still in the planning stages. You must keep your mind and spirit firmly fixed on the present moment so that it cannot change. Your life can change if you learn how to deal with your history.


Balance that which is within with all that is around you now.  The balance has to be within you.” Creating balance is a choice, it means that no matter what life throws at you, or what you do or don’t get done, you maintain an inner sense of peace

Balance thoughts and emotions creating balance in your actions. Before acting, you should balance your thoughts and emotions because your actions may literally affect you and others, and they may occasionally cause you to feel differently than you should have. When expressing yourself, be sure to give yourself some room.


Things, situations, desires may appear to be moving slowly, yet all is being made manifest for the highest and best good of all involved. Even while it could seem like things, wants, and events are taking their time, everything is actually moving in the best and most advantageous direction for all parties involved. You only need to muster the guts to face every challenge that can arise in your daily life and spur you to take better action.

Worry not beloved one for you are loved beyond measure this day and all the days before you. Even if it’s challenging right now to see past the sadness, I hope that tomorrow’s solace comes from remembering the past. When they learn a loved one is severely ill, people frequently experience anticipatory grieving. Understanding and grieving a loss in advance is known as anticipatory sadness.


Reach within. Faith, trust, and belief are the cornerstones of courage. You just have to look deep within yourself to find the courage to have confidence and trust in him in your daily activities. No one else in the world can nourish you like this can, so sometimes you just have to go with the flow.

Step out into the light knowing all is well with you this day. Simply maintain your focus in the present moment and have faith that everything will turn out for the best. It suffices to simply step into the light that can sustain you right now.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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