Daily Horoscope Capricorn 3
Capricorn 3
Stress-overload has taken a toll on you, both physically and mentally. You might be yearning for a warm bowl of porridge or hot tea with a teaspoon of honey to add in a little sweetness. Perhaps you opt to have a few slices of apple or blended banana, or oatmeal maybe? Be sure to eat foods that are within your variant of favorites to avoid losing appetite.
It will be best if someone within your household can prepare these for you so you can shift your focus to resting and gradually replenish your energy for daily activity and work resumption. Be sure to stay hydrated too, Capricorn! Fluids are an essential part of living and should be taken more than usual to avoid electrolyte imbalances. We do not want you getting rushed to the emergency room due to dehydration!
It is important to rest your mind as well. Mind and body requires sufficient rest to prepare you from the demands of living on a daily basis. While it is important to do your duties at work and home, it is pivotal to listen and take care of your body. Try to steer clear of anything that will potentially compromise your mental peace. Keep in mind that your tasks can wait while you help your body recover and regain its optimal functioning.
It is highly advised to maintain a mind-over-matter attitude. Try to keep your emotions in check at all times, Capricorn. Remember that losing temper can also exacerbate your condition and further prolong your recovery time.