
Eastern Astrology : Swati Nakshatra – The self-going Star

The Sanskrit word “swa” has “self” or “ego” as its source. This word’s definition is “the independent or learned one.” The wind god Vayu is the primary deity of this nakshatra.


Hanuman and Bheema’s father is the wind god Vayu. The personification of power, accountability, and dedication is Hanuman. Saturn is attempting to impart these lessons to everyone through the placement of the horoscope; as a result, Saturn is seen as being exalted in the sign of Libra and the nakshatra of Swati. 


Once, Lord Hanuman approached the Sun as if it were a fruit and started to consume it. Hanuman was prevented from getting harmed when Vayu arrived. This shows that we can harm ourselves as a result of not using our strength and might for something greater.

The nakshatra of Swati stands for equilibrium. It is the centre of the cosmos and our lives. It is the region where expansion and contraction are equally balanced. This nakshatra is associated with very brilliant and charming people. They are really good at communicating. Through strength of character and diligence, this native can obtain justice and achieve high positions. The wind’s energy is infused throughout these people. They are flexible and enjoy going with the flow.

In the centre of the 27-nakshatra belt is the nakshatra of Swati. Natives of this nakshatra are incredibly autonomous and like to go with the flow, as shown by the nakshatra’s sign. similar to Vayu, the god of this nakshatra. 

This nakshatra represents those who are extremely determined, responsible, and dedicated. One of the zodiac belt’s most devoted nakshatras is this one. These locals recognise and cherish the importance of relationships and collaborations.


People born under this nakshatra have a preference for comfort and luxury because Venus and Rahu are in close astrological proximity. Because of its affinity with the wind, those born under this nakshatra frequently experience restlessness and irritation. Because of their erratic character, the indigenous frequently find it challenging to stay on a single course.

However, because of their flexibility, these locals are unable to defend themselves or engage in self-defense. They are quite diplomatic and avoid taking sides in the commotion. Swati nakshatra is divided into 4 different padas which carries the energy of 4 different planets


Divisions of Swati Nakshatra:

  1. Jupiter, the planet, rules Pada 1. This pada compels someone to walk the morally upright path of dharma. These people frequently hold high moral standards.
  2. Saturn is the planet that rules Pada 2. The native is realistic because of this pada. These indigenous do not have an egotistical tendency.
  3. Saturn is the planet that rules Pada 3. An individual becomes organised and sincere thanks to this pada. Most of the time, these people are drawn to helping others.

4 Jupiter, the planet, rules Pada 4. An individual becomes beautiful and charismatic thanks to this pada. They frequently possess strong moral principles and desire to assist others.

Amanda Cooper

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