
Angel Message Of The Day : Protectors Among Us

Archangel Gabriel 


Moments of darkness appear where Light and Love seek to illuminate the way before us all. These are the trying times when hope seems to be nowhere to be seen. These moments may seem dark and difficult, however, you must not worry as Light and Love will be by your side. It is within you, and will always be around you. Rest assured that the light will illuminate you, and it shall help you on the right path. You will be guided toward the correct path in the journeys ahead of you. Even if it may seem rough at first, you must not worry as you will be guided along your way. There are many who are willing to protect you, and it is important that you turn your thoughts toward them and show gratitude as much as you can.


Turn your thoughts to those who are far from their homes. Turn your thoughts to all who have transitioned from the earthly realm to that of the Spirit. Those who are far from their homes have suffered but continuously persevere in order to make a life for themselves. It is important that you show love and light as much as you can. You must sympathize with these people, and do not forget to be grateful for what you have right now. Turn your thoughts toward them, and hope for the very best.

Turn your thoughts to all who seek to protect you from another’s harm be it thought or physical, mental, or emotional harm. It is important that you must show gratitude for people who wish to protect you in harm’s way. There are many people who wish greatness and abundance for you, and they are the kinds you should keep around. At the same time, it is always important to not forget to show kindness and generosity, love and compassion wherever you go. Turn your thoughts toward people who wish you great well-being and wish them the same. 


Turn your thoughts in gratitude for all who have given their physical life to you this day and all the days that have come before. There is so much to be thankful for, especially for the people who have given their physical life. It is most important that you do not forget to be grateful for the smallest of sacrifices and the big ones, too. At the same time, you must not forget to give back the unconditional love given to you. There are many things we should be grateful for, and it is important that you will remember them at all times.


Turn your thoughts to all who gave of themselves without thought or delay. Turn your thoughts to all whose blood has been shed to protect you. There are people who are willing to protect you at all costs, and you must not forget to show gratitude as much as you can. It is important that you give love and light to these people who surround you and show nothing but love and sacrifice. Turn your thoughts towards them and hope that they will see the light within themselves. On the other hand, you must spread love and light as much as you can, as well.

Turn your thoughts to all who are not free in mind, body, heart, or Spirit.  There are many people who may not be free in more ways than one, and you must show sympathy toward them. At the same time, you must learn how to be compassionate with the situations they are in. Turn your thoughts towards these people and hope for light and love for them. You must always wish for peace and harmony toward all people, especially those around you.


Turn your thoughts to all who pass your way this day. To everyone that you will encounter, you must show compassion and love as much as you can. Show the love and light within you, and you must spread it to the world. It is important that you give back to others as much as you can. Spread love and light as they are freely given to you, and they are within you. Turn your thoughts to the protectors among us, my brethren and me for we are always by your side.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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