AQUARIUS 1 How can you understand and recover from a breakup/divorce?



How can you understand and recover from a breakup/divorce?


You want to know what’s happening in your relationship as an Aquarius. However, there are instances when it seems like you are the only one with curiosity. You can be perplexed as to why your ex-partner dumped you, or you might simply be baffled as to why they don’t appear eager to reconcile. The truth is that we all have our own motivations, even if they appear unreasonable or even self-serving. You’re not alone, and there are solutions to help you and your spouse understand what’s going on so that everything turns out for the best in the end. Recognize that many partnerships collapse sometimes. In maturity, some of our relationships will fall apart. It doesn’t matter if it happened because we didn’t act appropriately, because we failed to find the perfect partner, or because we drifted apart. Many of the relationships in our lives end, which is quite acceptable. There is nothing embarrassing about it happening to you right now because it happens to everyone of us at some point or another. That doesn’t change the fact that a breakup is a highly painful experience—by breakup, we mean any form of separation, the end of a partnership, or a divorce. It is followed by a tough, protracted, and equally painful process called healing.

These emotions won’t all hit you at once, Aquarius. You might feel relieved one day, stressed out again the next, and angry with your ex or yourself the third day. And for that reason, getting over a breakup takes time. You must experience all of these feelings and come to terms with the reasons behind each one. If you attempt to suppress your emotions and say, “Well, I’ll just go on,” I don’t have to handle it. You’ll only damage yourself more in the long run; I’ll find someone else and forget this even happened. You run the risk of transferring the problems brought on by this split onto your next partner if you go into the next relationship before dealing with them. And it isn’t right. In order to go forward, you must first acknowledge this emotional rollercoaster and accept that you will ride it for some time.

But what if certain emotions are unpleasant, Aquarius, you could be asking? such as rage? You should still approach them, though. Negative feelings are still real, so give them space and pay attention to them. The only way to eventually get past them and move on is to do that. Try to focus on the positives. When a relationship ends, we frequently focus on the negative aspects, such as how the other person wounded us or how they didn’t make us happy in the first place. But you should make an effort to recognize the positive aspects of that connection in order to come to a healthy conclusion and prevent anger from seeping in. Don’t regret the enjoyable times you had together. Recognize that despite the relationship not developing the way you had hoped, you still learned something from it.

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