Angel Remeil Prayer for Protection


Angel Remeil Prayer for Protection

O Saint Remeil, heavenly Archangel, we implore your watchful gaze to safeguard us amidst the trials and tribulations of this earthly realm. As we journey through the shadows of existence, be our steadfast protector against the snares and schemes of the malevolent forces that seek to lead us astray. With your divine intercession, shield us from the cunning of the devil and his minions, preserving us from harm and guiding us towards the path of righteousness.

In humble reverence, we beseech the Almighty to rebuke the devil and restrain his malevolent influence over our lives and souls. May God’s righteous judgment fall upon him, casting him down from his lofty perch of deceit and corruption. With faith and trust in the divine justice, we surrender our fears and concerns to the merciful hands of our Creator, knowing that His power is greater than any darkness that may threaten to engulf us.

O Saint Remeil, celestial guardian, we rely on your vigilant presence to stand as a bulwark against the forces of evil that seek to undermine our faith and virtue. With your divine assistance, may we navigate the treacherous waters of temptation and deception, emerging unscathed and strengthened in our resolve to walk in the light of God’s truth.

As we face the trials and tribulations of this earthly existence, may your heavenly protection encompass us like a shield, preserving our souls from the allure of sin and guiding us towards the path of righteousness and salvation. In times of uncertainty and peril, may we find solace in the knowledge that you stand ever vigilant at our side, ready to defend and protect us from all harm.

With hearts uplifted in prayer, we entrust our lives and souls into your care, O Saint Remeil, knowing that you are our steadfast guardian and protector. Through your intercession, may we be strengthened in our faith and fortified in our resolve to resist the temptations of the evil one. And may God’s righteous judgment prevail, bringing forth justice and redemption for all who seek His mercy and grace

O Prince of the angelic host, by the divine authority vested in you, we beseech you to bind the powers of Death and Hell, the sinister offspring of Satan, the deceptive hierarchy of the Antichrist, and all malevolent spirits that roam the earth with malicious intent to sow chaos and destruction upon souls.

With your mighty strength and unwavering resolve, O Prince of the angelic army, restrain the forces of darkness that seek to ensnare and devour the innocent. May your divine power serve as a barrier against the machinations of evil, protecting us from the deceptive schemes and temptations that threaten to lead us astray.

In the face of adversity and spiritual warfare, we call upon your intercession, O Prince of the angelic host, to shield us from harm and guide us towards the path of righteousness and salvation. With your heavenly assistance, may we stand firm in our faith, unwavering in our commitment to the truth, and resolute in our determination to resist the influence of evil.

As we confront the powers of darkness that seek to undermine the work of God, may your presence be a source of strength and courage for us. With your divine protection surrounding us like a fortress, may we walk boldly in the light of God’s love, knowing that you stand ever vigilant at our side, ready to defend and protect us from all harm.

With hearts united in prayer and faith, we entrust ourselves into your care, O Prince of the angelic army, confident in your ability to vanquish the forces of evil and uphold the triumph of good. Through your intercession, may we be delivered from the grip of darkness and brought into the glorious light of God’s eternal kingdom. 

O mighty angel, send forth the evildoers and their darkness, the sinners and their wicked words and deeds, along with the consequences of their actions, memories, and records, back to the Court of the Sacred Fire to receive their ultimate judgment. 

In your divine authority, cast them into the holy fire lake that has been prepared for the devil, where they shall face the righteous judgment of God. 

As they stand before the flames of divine justice, let them confront the consequences of their actions and be held accountable for their deeds. 

In this sacred moment, I also beseech you to grant my personal request (insert your personal request here), that I may find peace and solace amidst the turmoil of this world.

May the fire of divine justice purify and cleanse the earth of all evil, and may the light of God’s love shine brightly upon us, guiding us towards righteousness and salvation. 


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