
Angel Message Of The Day : Protection Of The Self

Throughout this trip, you will never be alone yourself since the angels have promised to guide and protect you at all times. Angel Yephiel is one of these angels, and he is the one who will lend his protecting energy to you so that you may be shielded from the disruptions that are attempting to cut off your connection with Divine Source.

It is crucial that you have a firm grasp on the fact that your connection with Divine Source can never be broken since it has neither a starting point nor a finishing point. Your link to the Divine is unending, and it is this connection that provides you with the capacity to be strong and powerful. On the other hand, there may likely be times in your life when you experience feelings of disconnection, being lost, or being overpowered by the difficulties of the world around you. At certain moments, you should invoke the Angel Yephiel to envelop your physical body in the protecting force that he has.

Imagine that a lovely, dazzling white light is encompassing everything of your physical and mental existence. This light is a symbol of the holiness of Divine Source and the power that it has to purify and refresh your soul. Secondly, picture the white light encircled by a rose-colored light, which stands for love and compassion. The rose light strengthens the protecting energy even further, making sure that everything that isn’t love is diverted away from you and away from your space. Last but not least, picture a tourmaline light that is a deep green color around the rose light. Tourmaline is a strong stone that may shield its wearer from the effects of negative energy while also encouraging feelings of peace and equilibrium.

Take a few slow, deep breaths as you visualize this force of protection enveloping you. Let the white light to pervade your whole being and purge you of any doubts or negative thoughts you may have. Let the rose light to wash over you with love and compassion, serving as a gentle reminder that you are never really alone. You should also feel the anchoring and stabilizing effects of the tourmaline energy, which will enable you to go ahead with confidence and clarity.

Know that Angel Yephiel and his fellow guardian angels are constantly keeping a watchful eye over you as you go about your day. Put your faith in their ability to direct and assist you, and make it a point to remain receptive to the cues and signals they come your way. Always keep in mind that you are a treasured child of the Divine and that you are linked at all times to the Divine’s limitless love and power.

May the spirit of protection that Angel Yephiel bestows upon you constantly surround you, and may you arrive at your destination with serenity and clarity.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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