Archangel Michael Prayer for Healing


Archangel Michael Prayer for Healing

Prayer of the Healing Angels, borne from the divine realm by the mighty Archangel Michael,

We beseech thee, O Heavenly Father, to send forth your Healing Angels, your celestial messengers, upon us and upon those whom we hold dear. With wings of light and hands of grace, may they descend from the heavens above, bringing with them the balm of divine healing to soothe our weary souls and mend our broken bodies.

In this sacred moment of supplication, we open our hearts to receive the healing touch of your angels, trusting in their compassionate care to bring comfort and relief in our times of need. With each gentle caress and whispered word, may they infuse our beings with the healing power of your divine love, restoring us to wholeness and vitality once more.

As the Healing Angels encircle us with their radiant presence, may they banish all traces of pain, illness, and suffering from our midst, replacing them with the gentle embrace of divine peace and serenity. With unwavering faith and trust, we surrender ourselves into their loving care, knowing that in their tender ministrations lies the promise of renewal and restoration.

O Heavenly Father, through the intercession of your beloved Archangel Michael and the Healing Angels, may we be healed in body, mind, and spirit. May their divine touch ignite the flame of healing within us, illuminating the path towards wellness and wholeness in every aspect of our lives.

In this sacred union of prayer, we lift our voices in gratitude for the boundless blessings bestowed upon us by your Healing Angels. With hearts overflowing with love and thanksgiving, we entrust ourselves and our loved ones into their care, knowing that in their compassionate embrace, we find solace, strength, and the promise of divine healing.

In the tender embrace of divine grace, I humbly beseech thee, O Heavenly Father, to allow the radiant beam of your Healing Angels to encompass me in its ethereal glow. May their celestial light penetrate the depths of my being, infusing every fiber of my essence with the gentle warmth of your Healing Hands.

With gratitude in my heart and faith in your divine plan, I surrender myself to your healing touch, dear Father. May your grace flow through me, restoring me to perfect health and vitality in accordance with your divine will.

As I stand in the midst of this sacred moment, I open myself to the transformative power of your divine intervention, dear Father. With unwavering faith and surrender, I invite your healing touch to permeate my soul and awaken the dormant seeds of wellness within.

In the gentle caress of your Healing Angels’ wings, may I find solace and comfort, knowing that I am cradled in the loving embrace of your boundless compassion. Let their luminous presence dispel the shadows of doubt and fear that linger within, replacing them with the radiant light of hope and healing.

With each passing moment, I surrender myself to your divine will, dear Father, trusting in the infinite wisdom of your divine plan. Whether through miraculous intervention or subtle shifts in the fabric of existence, I welcome your healing touch in whatever form it may manifest.

Grant me the serenity to accept the unfolding of your divine plan, dear Father, knowing that your ways are beyond my comprehension and your love knows no bounds. May I release all resistance and surrender to the flow of your divine grace, allowing your healing energy to flow freely through me.

As I embark upon this journey of healing, may I be guided by the gentle whispers of your Holy Spirit, leading me towards the path of wholeness and restoration. With each step I take, may I feel your presence walking beside me, illuminating the way with the radiant light of your love.

In the quiet sanctuary of my soul, I offer my heartfelt gratitude for the blessings bestowed upon me by your Healing Angels, dear Father. With each breath I take, may I feel their presence surrounding me, enveloping me in their divine embrace.

With gratitude in my heart and faith in your divine plan, I surrender myself to your healing touch, dear Father. May your grace flow through me, restoring me to perfect health and vitality in accordance with your divine will.

As I open myself to the miraculous power of your healing touch, dear Father, may I be a vessel for your love and compassion, shining brightly as a beacon of hope and healing in a world in need.


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