
Angel Message Of The Day : Reflection Of Your Inner Self

Angel of Freedom 

Behold beloved child of Spirit, there are many choices before you. Simply have faith in our creator that we consider what choices we must make to reflect in our inner-self that we chose the best for you. Even if we miss the mark, we can return to him and receive forgiveness for our sins through him. He died for every one of us.

All you say, all you do is a reflection of your Inner-Self.  Every person we encounter in life emerges in our lives at precisely the appropriate time to reflect something within ourselves that needs to be healed. People you interact with the show who you are and, as a result, enable you to appreciate yourself. Self-reflection is necessary for self-awareness because it helps us to objectively assess our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and behaviors. As a result of this practice, we can look at ourselves with renewed interest and curiosity.

Your inner Self is love. Act on your intuition; listen to your gut—even if the activity, such as breathing through an emotion, only results in a minor shift, you’ll feel better. We earn self-love every time we act on our behalf. We gain inner calm by accepting our experiences and feelings with curiosity and openness.

Your inner Self is radiant light. However, as you progress further into meditation, you will notice lights and forms that are part of the intrinsic “geography” of the inner world, the subtle body. Many meditators experience a golden light, a pale blue dot, or a solitary eye. Others perceive light grids.

Words, thoughts, emotions and actions reflect your current state of being. When we have a conversation with the people around us, we think carefully about how we respond to them in our words, thoughts, and even actions that may mirror our inner self and that we know will result in a different outcome.

Choose differently; choose to speak loving thoughts, expressing emotions, actions with love. 

As you walk the path before you this day, choose differently. However, as you make different choices, you never know what the conclusion will be that will direct your route directly towards what you have never encountered that can make something new or something better than what you are now this day.

Speaking your truth with loving kindness heals all. Sometimes speaking our true ideas will heal everything in love and kindness to the people around us, even if it hurts them at first. Over time, they will realize it will nurture them after what they hear from you and you listen to them as well.

Speaking your truth with ugliness harms all. For some people, the truth we express with ugliness may harm everyone, including your inner self, but it will give you both your inner peace, which will gradually heal it. Just be true to your thoughts at all times.

The meaning of all things expressed requires time to bear fruit. You must wait for a period in your life when you will have what you genuinely desire, such as a dream career that you look forward to working on someday and where your efforts will be rewarded.

Select wisely in the days ahead; choose with loving kindness for yourself and others. Rejoice in the fortunes of others, since they will be yours as well.

Rejoice in the happiness of others for happiness is also yours. We must be happy with what makes us happy, such as their employment that promotes us eventually applying for the same position that can benefit us someday and lead to making us rejoice as well as be inspired by what they achieve in our lives.

Rejoice in seeing prosperity for prosperity is your birthright. Even if we achieve our goals in life or leave a legacy in our wake, we must be grateful for the opportunity to guide others and assist them to overcome challenges in their lives, encouraging them to pursue more and more.

Free yourself from limiting thoughts. Self-limiting beliefs are instances of assumptions or notions we hold about ourselves and the way the world works. These assumptions are “self-limiting” in the sense that they restrict us from achieving our goals. Just what we need to break free from the constraints of our thinking.

Free yourself from all that is not of love and light, joy and happiness, harmony, prosperity, and abundance this day and all the days before you.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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