
Angel Message Of The Day: Sea of Tranquility

Angel of Tranquility 


This moment is all there is. Imagine yourself fully immersed in the present moment, with a deep sense of awareness and appreciation. In this moment, you realize that the past is gone, and the future is yet to come. All that truly exists is the here and now. To understand that this moment is all there is is to cultivate mindfulness and presence. It is an invitation to let go of regrets and worries about the past, as well as anxieties and expectations about the future. By anchoring yourself in the present moment, you tap into the richness and beauty of life unfolding right before your eyes.


All that has come before has brought you to where you are.  By acknowledging the significance of your past, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your life’s path. You can reflect on the lessons learned, the skills acquired, and the insights gained from both successes and failures. This reflection allows you to appreciate the growth and transformation that has taken place within you. In the process of embracing your past, you also have the opportunity for healing and forgiveness. By acknowledging and accepting the experiences that have shaped you, you can release any lingering pain, resentment, or regret. This process allows you to free yourself from the burdens of the past and move forward with a renewed sense of purpose and clarity.

Where do you wish to be in moments yet to come? To consider where you wish to be in moments yet to come is to embrace the concept of intention and vision. It is an invitation to tap into your deepest desires and aspirations, allowing them to guide your choices and actions. By setting clear intentions and envisioning your desired future, you create a roadmap for your journey and open yourself up to the possibilities that lie ahead. By contemplating where you wish to be in the future, you can gain clarity about your values, passions, and purpose. It is an opportunity to explore what truly matters to you and align your life with those values. This process allows you to make choices that are in harmony with your authentic self, leading to a sense of fulfillment and meaning.


Close your eyes, beloved child, and float in total surrender.  Imagine yourself in a serene space, feeling a gentle breeze caress your skin. In this moment, you are invited to close your eyes and release any tension or resistance within you. The words beckon you to let go of control and surrender to the flow of life. To close your eyes and float in total surrender is to embrace the concept of surrender and trust. It is an invitation to release the need to constantly be in control and to surrender to the natural rhythm of life. By closing your eyes, you create a space of inner stillness and allow yourself to be guided by a deeper wisdom within. In this state of surrender, you let go of the need to know all the answers or have everything figured out. You trust that there is a greater force at work, guiding and supporting you on your journey. By surrendering, you open yourself up to new possibilities, allowing life to unfold in its divine timing.

Arms outstretched, surrender all that does not please you. To stretch your arms out and surrender all that does not please you is to embrace the concept of release and self-acceptance. It is an invitation to acknowledge and honor your feelings and experiences, while also recognizing that you have the power to let go of what no longer serves you. By surrendering, you free yourself from the burden of holding onto negativity and discontent. You release the grip of resentment, anger, or frustration, allowing space for peace, joy, and contentment to enter your life. This act of surrendering enables you to create a more positive and fulfilling inner landscape.


Surrender all that causes fear and doubt. By surrendering, you free yourself from the grip of fear and doubt, allowing space for courage, confidence, and self-belief to emerge. This act of surrendering enables you to step into your power and embrace the limitless possibilities that lie beyond your fears and doubts. Moreover, surrendering all that causes fear and doubt is an act of self-empowerment and self-love. It is an opportunity to cultivate a deep sense of trust in yourself and your abilities. By letting go of fear and doubt, you create space for growth, resilience, and the realization of your true potential.


Surrender all that has come before. In the process of surrendering, you also have the opportunity for transformation and renewal. By releasing what has come before, you open yourself up to new possibilities, fresh perspectives, and a sense of liberation. This act of surrendering allows you to cultivate resilience, learn from past experiences, and create a future that is aligned with your true desires and aspirations.

Surrender the need to control that which is outside of you.  To surrender the need to control that which is outside of you is to embrace the concept of release and acceptance. It is an invitation to acknowledge that there are aspects of life beyond your control and to recognize that true power lies in your ability to respond and adapt to whatever unfolds. By surrendering, you free yourself from the exhausting and often futile effort of trying to control external circumstances. You release the grip of anxiety, stress, and frustration that can arise from a need for control. This act of surrendering enables you to find peace, serenity, and a deeper sense of trust in the natural flow of life.


Surrender the need to control that which is outside of you.  To surrender the need to control that which is outside of you is to embrace the concept of release and acceptance. It is an invitation to acknowledge that there are aspects of life beyond your control and to recognize that true power lies in your ability to respond and adapt to whatever unfolds. By surrendering, you free yourself from the exhausting and often futile effort of trying to control external circumstances. You release the grip of anxiety, stress, and frustration that can arise from a need for control. This act of surrendering enables you to find peace, serenity, and a deeper sense of trust in the natural flow of life. Moreover, surrendering the need to control the path before you is an act of self-empowerment and self-discovery. It is an opportunity to shift your focus from rigid expectations to openness and adaptability. By letting go of the need for control, you create space for personal growth, resilience, and the ability to embrace the opportunities and lessons that come your way.

Surrender is sweet bliss for in surrendering all that is not of love, that which is love surrounds thee in a sea of tranquility. To prepare yourself to receive what you ask for, it is essential to align your thoughts, beliefs, and actions with your desires. This involves cultivating a mindset of abundance, believing that you are deserving of what you ask for, and releasing any limiting beliefs or self-doubt that may hinder your ability to receive. Self-reflection and self-awareness are key in this process. Take the time to examine your beliefs, fears, and patterns that may be blocking the flow of what you desire. By identifying and releasing any resistance or negative energy, you create space for the manifestation of your desires.


How shall you choose to surrender this day? One way to surrender is to release attachment to outcomes. Instead of fixating on specific results or expectations, you can surrender to the process and trust that the universe has a plan for you. By relinquishing the need for control, you create space for serendipity and unexpected blessings to enter your life. Another way to surrender is to let go of negative emotions and thoughts. Instead of holding onto anger, resentment, or fear, you can choose to surrender these emotions and replace them with love, compassion, and forgiveness. By surrendering negativity, you create room for healing, growth, and a greater sense of inner peace.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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