
Angel Message Of The Day: Surrender Perception



Surrender is to release fear or doubt.  By releasing fear and doubt through surrender, you create space for new possibilities, growth, and transformation. You open yourself up to receive the gifts that life has to offer. Surrendering allows you to tap into your inner strength, resilience, and intuition, guiding you toward a path that is aligned with your highest good. Remember that surrender is a practice that requires patience, self-compassion, and a willingness to let go. It is a journey of self-discovery and self-trust. By surrendering, you can experience a sense of liberation, peace, and freedom from the limitations that fear and doubt impose.


Surrender is allowing light to shine through the perception of darkness.  To surrender is to relinquish the need to control or manipulate circumstances. It is about acknowledging that there are aspects of life that are beyond our control and trusting in the inherent wisdom of the universe. By surrendering, we create space for the light to shine through, illuminating our path and guiding us toward a deeper understanding and acceptance of the darkness we may encounter. Light, both literal and metaphorical, symbolizes clarity, truth, and spiritual awakening. It represents the presence of awareness, knowledge, and insight. Light has the power to dispel darkness, bringing forth a sense of hope, inspiration, and guidance. By allowing the light to shine through, we can gain a new perspective on the challenges and difficulties we face, and find strength and resilience within ourselves.

Surrender is allowing you to be one with the Divine Source. Through surrender, you align yourself with the divine will and allow it to guide your thoughts, actions, and choices. Surrendering is about surrendering to the divine intelligence that orchestrates the universe, trusting that it knows what is best for your highest good. By surrendering, you invite the Divine Source to work through you, to express itself in and through your being. Moreover, surrendering to be one with the Divine Source brings a sense of profound peace, love, and unity. It is about recognizing that you are a vessel for divine energy and allowing it to flow through you. By surrendering, you dissolve the barriers that separate you from the Divine and experience a deep sense of interconnectedness with all of creation. 


You are loved; you are a light in the darkness of perception.  Moreover, your light has the power to dispel the darkness of perception. It is through your love, kindness, and authenticity that you can challenge and transform limiting beliefs, judgments, and negative perceptions. By embodying and radiating love, you create a ripple effect that has the potential to transform not only your own life but also the lives of those around you. Remember that your light is not diminished by the darkness you may encounter. It is in the face of adversity and challenges that your light shines even brighter. It is through your resilience, courage, and unwavering love that you can navigate the shadows and bring forth healing and transformation.


Begin where you are, allowing your inner self to experience all that you feel in this moment. When you permit yourself to fully experience your emotions, you create a space for healing, transformation, and self-discovery. By embracing both the light and shadow aspects of your emotional landscape, you gain insights into your patterns, beliefs, and desires. This self-awareness allows you to make conscious choices and take empowered actions that align with your authentic self. Remember that every emotion you experience is valid and serves a purpose. By fully allowing yourself to feel and experience these emotions, you allow yourself to learn, grow, and evolve. Your emotions are messengers, guiding you toward a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you. 

Are you willing to release shadow, doubt, or fear?  What do you truly fear?  To truly release these aspects, it is essential to first identify and understand them. What do you truly fear? Is it the fear of failure, rejection, abandonment, or the unknown? By exploring the depths of your fears, you gain insight into the beliefs and conditioning that have shaped your perception of yourself and the world around you. Recognize that fear is a natural part of the human experience. It is a survival mechanism that has served us throughout evolution. However, when fear becomes a barrier to your growth and prevents you from embracing your true essence, it is essential to confront and transcend it.


Sit in the silence, breathe deeply, and exhale slowly and deeply.  As you sit in the silence, consciously bring your attention to your breath. Breathe deeply, inhaling slowly and fully, allowing the breath to fill your lungs and expand your belly. As you exhale, release the breath slowly and completely, letting go of any tension or stress that may be held within your body. Conscious breathing is a gateway to the present moment. It anchors you in the here and now, allowing you to let go of past regrets or future worries. Each breath becomes a gentle reminder to be fully present and engaged with the present moment.


Feel your physical body sigh with relief, feel your shoulders release all they carry.  Remember that this practice is not about forcing or pushing yourself to release. It is about cultivating a gentle and compassionate awareness of your body and allowing it to guide you toward a state of relief and relaxation. Trust in the innate wisdom of your body to release what no longer serves you. Embrace the truth that you have the power to feel your physical body sigh with relief, dear seeker. Tune into your body, listen to its messages, and honor its need for release and relaxation. Allow your shoulders to release all they carry, inviting a profound sense of ease and lightness into your being.


Breathe in and exhale slowly. Allow your entire Being to release all that is not of love and light.  Breathe in and exhale slowly. Allow your breath to be a vehicle for this process of release and purification. With each inhale, feel the love and light infusing your entire being, illuminating every corner of your existence. And with each exhale, feel the negativity, fear, and darkness being expelled, making way for the expansive presence of love and light. Remember that this practice is not about denying or suppressing the aspects of yourself that are not aligned with love and light. It is about acknowledging their presence, bringing them into conscious awareness, and consciously choosing to release them. It is an act of self-compassion and self-transformation.

Does Ego-chitter chatter fill your thoughts? Gently bring the conscious mind to gentleness, to peace. Remember that this practice is not about suppressing or eliminating the ego’s influence. It is about recognizing its presence and consciously choosing to shift your focus to a state of gentleness and peace. It is an act of self-compassion and self-awareness. Embrace the truth that you have the power to gently bring your conscious mind to gentleness, dear seeker. Recognize the ego-chitter chatter and consciously choose to shift your focus to a state of peace. Cultivate the transformative power of gentleness and allow it to bring clarity, harmony, and tranquility into your thoughts and actions.


Begin to feel or sense harmony flow into the physical body easily and freely.  Allow yourself to be receptive to this flow of harmony, without any resistance or attachment. Surrender to the natural intelligence of your body, which knows how to restore and maintain balance. Trust in the innate wisdom of your being to guide this flow of harmony, allowing it to move easily and freely throughout your physical body. In this act of consciously attuning to the flow of harmony, you create a transformative shift in your energetic state. The harmonious energy brings a sense of ease, relaxation, and rejuvenation to your physical body. It supports the optimal functioning of your organs, promotes healing, and enhances your overall well-being.


Is there a thought, an experience, or an emotion you are willing to truly look at, experiencing the emotion of that which is before you?  In this process, you may uncover insights, patterns, or underlying beliefs that have influenced your thoughts, experiences, and emotions. By fully experiencing and acknowledging these emotions, you create space for healing and growth. You allow yourself to release any emotional baggage, gain clarity, and cultivate a greater sense of self-awareness and authenticity. Remember that this practice is not about dwelling on negativity or getting lost in emotions. It is about embracing the full spectrum of your human experience, both the pleasant and the challenging. It is about acknowledging and honoring the emotions that arise, understanding that they are messengers guiding you toward deeper self-understanding and growth.


Allow the inner self to fully feel the emotion, breathe deeply into the emotion, and exhale slowly. Slowly, ever so, feel or sense all negative emotions begin to dissolve. Breathe deeply, exhaling slowly until all simply melts from you.  As you connect with your inner self, take a moment to breathe deeply into the emotion. Inhale slowly, allowing the breath to fill your entire being, and consciously direct your breath towards the area where you feel the emotion residing. With each inhalation, imagine that you are infusing the emotion with healing energy and awareness. As you exhale slowly, visualize the negative emotion beginning to dissolve. Feel or sense its grip on you loosening, as if it is melting away with each breath. Release the emotion with each exhalation, allowing it to flow out of your being. As you continue to breathe deeply and exhale slowly, feel a sense of lightness and clarity replacing the heaviness of the negative emotion. This practice of breathing deeply and exhaling slowly allows you to release and let go of the negative emotions that may be weighing you down. It creates a space within you for healing and transformation to occur. By consciously directing your breath towards the emotion, you bring awareness and acceptance to it, allowing it to naturally dissolve and dissipate.


Sit in the silence for a few moments, allowing your inner self to simply be.  Allow yourself to be fully present in this moment, without any agenda or need to do anything. Embrace the stillness and let it permeate your entire being. As you sit in silence, you may experience a deep sense of connection to yourself, to the present moment, and to something greater than yourself. Remember that this practice is not about striving or achieving anything. It is about simply being with yourself, in the present moment, and allowing your inner self to reveal its wisdom and truth. It is an act of self-care, self-reflection, and self-discovery.

Sit in the silence for a few moments, allowing your inner self to simply be.  Allow yourself to be fully present in this moment, without any agenda or need to do anything. Embrace the stillness and let it permeate your entire being. As you sit in silence, you may experience a deep sense of connection to yourself, to the present moment, and to something greater than yourself. Remember that this practice is not about striving or achieving anything. It is about simply being with yourself, in the present moment, and allowing your inner self to reveal its wisdom and truth. It is an act of self-care, self-reflection, and self-discovery.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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