Divine Number 3 – Part 1
Divine Number 3 - Part 1
You will be feeling a strong energy resonating with you as a supportive means conveyed by the heavenly beings or masters. With such a blessing coming from the high up, you are being told to not fear whatever changes that shall come your way. This is considered a strong connotation to keep a positive attitude towards your pursuit to success, to always look at both the path ahead and the end tunnel of your journey with a smile. This is also a sign being sent by the Christ Consciousness that the days ahead will be overseen by them and therefore, you should eradicate any form of doubt or agitation within you. The directive role being imposed in your life is further empowered should you go forward with an unwavering faith, persistent drive and unbreakable courage towards your dreams as well as believing that the guidance and signs you have long sought for is by your side supporting you in every step of the way. This distinct divine number that may appear as sets or in patterns, contains potent energy that signifies both power and abundance. What measures or creative means have you attempted to achieve your goals? Such energies are best utilized through making wise use of your innate talents. By putting your wits and talents into good use, you are bound to discover tremendous value and blessings in whatever circumstances brought upon you. Additionally, it will be best to develop abilities that will make a unique addition, if combined with sets of skills you are born with, to your capacity in dealing with difficult situations.
This divine number calls for a strong and uplifting representation that can bring harmony, balance, and tranquility into your life. Put your faith in the angels’ and your higher self’s wisdom, and let your inner wisdom lead you. In what situations have you lost your faith that the stormy days will soon come to an end? This test of courage and faith has the firm intention to make you resilient and unswerving at all times. You must first begin to acknowledge your capabilities, your wisdom and the supportive spiritual guidance behind you for you will be able to be more self-sufficient, reach your full potential and acquire better navigation on your path with grace and elegance as a result. Bear in mind that such hurdles are situations that you will easily conquer as you have the divine masters guiding you throughout your journey.
In many spiritual traditions, the number three is one so divine that is also connected to the energies of the heavenly beings, such as the Hindu gods, the Holy Trinity, which consists of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as well as that of the physical matter. This could mean that the Ascended Masters are reminding you of the value of maintaining a solid relationship with your higher power and turning to it for direction and guidance. With the presence of the three omnipotent beings represented as the number three, association with spiritual significance, in addition to being a lucky number, shall bring fortune and abundance. You may be on the right track and your efforts are being repaid with blessings and wealth if the presence of the divine number 3 is frequently present. Additionally, leaning on to your creative side will yield good news. It will be a momentous time to pray for clarity when making a decision, creativity when dealing with a difficult situation and absorption of holiness to sustain faithfulness and courage in times of confusion. Keep in mind that the presence of the divine beings are with you, therefore, you should not fear as you move forward.
In general, the angelic number 3 is a gratifying and uplifting force that promotes imagination, self-expression, and spiritual development. If you continue to see this number, have faith that the Ascended Masters are guiding and assisting you and that you are on the correct path to realizing your potential. The fact that you are prepared to take on new challenges and experiences may be indicated by the fact that the number three is also a symbol of growth and expansion. You are urged to seize new possibilities and realize your full potential, which may result in a period of significant personal and spiritual growth for you.