
Angel Message Of The Day : Seeing Past Surface Distortion

Archangel Jophiel,


See all before you through the eyes of love. Be willing to see past surface distractions, which attempt to distort the light radiating within you. The world is a beautiful place full of beauty and love, but it can also be a challenging place filled with trials and tribulations. We know that it’s not easy for everyone to see their own potential and do their best work every day. That’s why I want to remind you that there is someone out there who understands how important it is for you—and everyone else—to keep trying. You have been given an amazing opportunity—to be an example to others, and an inspiration in your own life. I know you will do great things in the world because of your compassion and your heart for others. 


The Divine Source’s Light permeates everything. Reach deep within you and bring all the love and light to the surface. We don’t expect you to let someone else’s actions or words oppress you. You are a being of Light and Love. Your days are filled with joy, peace and love. The Universe wants you to know this truth and to use it as your beacon in this world that can be so difficult at times. Each day holds infinite possibilities for growth, learning and experiencing new things – things that will expand your mind beyond what has been experienced before – things that will make you cry out in joy at their beauty – things that will make you laugh out loud at their wit or wisdom – things that will shake your core with fear or anger over what they teach us about ourselves and others

Be aware of what is around you on this day. Be aware of choices made, choices yet to be made. Take time to pause and reflect on where you are today and where you could be tomorrow if only you’d just take that first step. Today, today is the day you put an end to your inertia and start taking action. Today, today is the day you tell yourself: “I can make this happen.” The day we step outside of our comfort zone to make the next big change in our lives. The day when we decide what direction we want to head and commit fully to that path.


A lot is changing for you and others around you. Many people experience suffering throughout the night. Many people are looking for a better solution. Many people turn to you for courage and strength. God has asked you to serve as an example of what it means to stand up for what is right, even when it means continually being knocked down. Until you see that your route is clear in front of you and that others are following along with you on your trip, you must not lose hope or trust in yourself or in what you believe in.

We sincerely hope that you experience the same illumination that we do. We want you to be open to the idea that something bigger than you, or at the very least bigger than your current situation, could exist. We kindly beg you to recognize the light in everyone, everywhere, and in all animals, big and tiny. We do not even want you to shoulder someone else’s burdens. We kindly encourage you to be open to seeing the light in everyone and everything, even big and little animals. It’s a gloomy place out there. We have had to accept the fact that so many people are in pain and that we are unable to end it. We ask you to be one of those people who tries, even when it does not seem possible or reasonable. 

I am here to help guide your path through this world, and it is my hope that you can always see how much light there is in your life. If you find yourself feeling lost, I want you to know that there is always a way out of darkness—it’s just up to you to make the choice to find it. It’s not easy being a beacon in the darkness. It takes strength and compassion, but also a willingness to let go of what others may see as surface distortion and focus on what matters most: your own reality. Call on me and my comrades at any time; we will be by your side as soon as you need us. Be a light in the darkness for those who turn to you for inspiration, compassion, and a smile to brighten their way. Be prepared to see beyond superficial distortion.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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