
Angel Message Of The Day : Trusting Faith

Archangel Uriel 


Trust is seeking faith within, knowing all is in Divine Order occurring in light and love as it is intended. It will throw a light on our life that is sometimes difficult to perceive, admit, and live out. However, when we learn to live in His light, He provides us with clarity and insight, as well as transforms us from the inside out. We learn to walk in His light and shine it everywhere we go.

You are a reflection of the Creator’s love. That we must not take advantage of each other in order to get an advantage over him; instead, we must be ourselves and allow trust and faith to connect to him, even if we must confront various challenges in order to uplift him.

You radiate the Creator’s Light. Almost everyone knows someone who exudes joy. They are the ones who naturally entice others and put them at ease. While for some, channeling a serene mindset comes naturally, for others, it requires practice, which is fine. Just be yourself to face your circumstances.

There are no obstacles to all that awaits you. Even if there appears to be no other way to understand or process a hurdle, have trust and faith in our creator that he will provide you with the difficulties that you do not know how to solve or handle.

There are no limitations before you. Living a life without limitations does not imply that you are never limited in any way. It indicates you know what to do when you encounter resistance while pursuing a goal. Tell yourself that you are bigger and better than any of the problems that are holding you back, and you will be surprised at what you can achieve!

There is only love, there is only light. Just remember that our Creator always loves you and guides you in ways you’ll never imagine where there is love and light. Even though the consequences differ, have faith in him since you never know what will happen in the future.

Face the warmth of the sun; face the radiance of the moon. If they follow the ideals and values established in them by their family, only good things will come their way, and a bright future is guaranteed. If they do not, negative energy will be directed at them, and only negative actions will befall them for the rest of their lives.

Do you not trust the moon shall always be in the night sky? However, the moon will always be in the night sky. Sometimes we wonder what if the moon does not appear in the night sky and it seems different. We are surprised, but in reality, we have varied responsibilities in life that we must learn through trusting in him.

Do you not trust the sun shall always light your footsteps by day? The sun, like the moon, will always shine in the light, even if you have to put yourself through various conditions that may appear to follow your footstep since you know how to make it possible for the impossible to happen.

Trust in you as you would trust in these things for all is made manifest before you in light. However, if you have too much faith in your life objective, you may miss out on what may affect you in order to attain that goal. You must understand what boundaries you have to check for favorable outcomes in the near future so that you can follow your objective on good terms.

All is made whole in love. To do everything in love entails being patient, gentle, and neither envious or boastful. To accomplish everything in love entails not dishonoring others, bragging, or being quickly enraged. Simply being yourself to others around you will make you fall in love with them.

Trust the light within expressing love for you and all around you. Give yourself a break from what appears to be an impossible situation, just trust in him, and you will have a possible outcome that you will wish you had also given love to the people around you, even in the simplest way, like greeting them and acknowledging their triumph, and you will have the same as well.

It makes no difference what circumstances you are in right now because everything is conceived in love; light lights the path ahead of you today.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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