
Angel Message Of The Day : Wisdom

Guardian Angel of Wisdom 


Wisdom manifests on so many levels, each level providing the opportunity to choose that which you desire most. You have been given the gift of wisdom, wherein you have the knowledge to choose which paths to take in order to get to your true desires. This gift has been freely given to you, and you must nurture it and embrace it at all cost. In life, you will be given much opportunity to take the path that you must in order to achieve your goals and aspirations. There are many opportunities that will be given to you. However, you must be wary that options may lead you to a different direction.


The physical realm is a delight to the senses in all manner of form and substance. Everywhere you will go, there would be so much to see and feel throughout your life that you would surely enjoy. There is so much to life that is ahead of you, and it will be a delight for you and to others. It is no mistake to bask in the physical realm and enjoy what surrounds you at the moment. However, you must remember that you should make your heart’s desires your priority. For all of what is in front of you, you must learn how to prioritize so you can reach what you have been truly seeking. Give importance to what really matters to you. You have been given the wisdom to recognize what is important and what is a distraction.

With each step along the path before you, distractions arise. It is inevitable that distractions will come towards you. There are times where you will be fully immersed with them without you noticing. However, it is natural that you will still gravitate towards reaching your desires. After all, your heart seeks them. Even if you are surrounded by distractions day to day, you have been freely given a gift of wisdom where you can choose paths you should take to get to what you desire the most. Do not let yourself stray away from your purpose and goals. You must continuously seek paths and directions where it will lead you to greatness, full of love and light. Make use of your wisdom in choosing the right opportunities that will be given to you. Embrace the blessings that will come your way, as you have always been blessed. Focus on the love and light, and the blessings that are given to you in order to nurture your heart and soul.  

Choose the vibrational frequency you desire as you focus your thoughts, actions or emotions. You have always been given the option on how you should gather your thoughts, and it is most important that you prioritize what should be given importance. You must be wise in how you handle your thoughts so that you will manifest greatness. You have been given the option to think of your actions first before you must do it. It is most important that before you act on something, you have given it much thought, and it will lead you to a greater path. You have been given the option to gather your emotions. This means you should no longer bask in negativity around you. Instead, you must focus on the love and light that is within yourself. You will have the ultimate power once you have learned how to choose the vibrational frequency that is best when seeking your true desires.  

As you have been given the ultimate power of wisdom in choosing the right directions to take to get to where you want to be, you have been blessed. You must make use of this wisdom to choose how you will conquer your day to day. Bask in gratefulness for all of the blessings that has been given to you. Focus on your surroundings, and keep the thoughts, actions, and emotions that will lead you to greatness. You must fill yourself with love and light so that you will continue to thrive, and you will get to nurture your heart and soul. There are many ways where you can continuously help yourself thrive, so that you can reach your heart’s desires and more. How shall you choose this day?

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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