
Angel Message Of The Day : Open Your Heart



Open first your heart to yourself. Love yourself without reservation. You must love yourself unconditionally. It is a must that you prioritize yourself as much as you can. When you open your heart to yourself, you will be able to fully share the love with others, as well. It all starts with you, and you should give importance to yourself. At the same time, it is most important that you give yourself love and support whenever you can. Before you should give compassion and understanding to others, you must remember that you deserve this kind of treatment, as well. Be kind to yourself as you are kind to others.


In what ways do you express love for yourself and others? There are different ways where you can express your love for yourself and other people. You can express love through words of affirmation wherein you can show appreciation and compassion, conveying these emotions through words. You can express love through acts of service wherein you can show love through the actions that you do for these people. With different languages of expression of love to others, you must always remember that you should show yourself the same love.  

What service or services do you render simply for the joy of doing so? When you open your heart to express your love, there are many actions that must come naturally for you. Continue to express your love and share this with others. It is in your nature to spread love and light wherever you go. Do not fret, and you must show love whenever you can. There is an ease when it comes to loving yourself and others when you open your heart. 


An open heart expresses love easily, without reservation or judgment. When there is an open heart, there are no hindrances in expressing love. You will no longer feel constricted with how you express love. Instead, there is an ease when it comes to conveying your love. When there is an open heart, there are no more conditions when it comes to love. You will no longer feel like love is conditional. Instead, you will feel as if the love given is true and pure. When there is an open heart, there is no more judgment. You will no longer feel unaccepted by what kind of person you are. Instead, there is acceptance and peace that will be given to you.

An open heart radiates peace, joy, and harmony to all who would see the gift before them. There is peace with an open heart. You will feel more at peace when you accept and embrace all there is.  There is joy with an open heart. You will feel joy when you embrace spreading love and light toward yourself and others. There is harmony with an open heart. You will feel that all is coming to a place when you finally accept all there is. Focus on opening your heart, you must focus on the love and light wherever you go.


Dear Child of Divine Source, how do you choose to travel the path along the journey before you? Do you choose to close your Heart to all that is before you? There is always a choice when it comes to how you must travel the road you are on at this moment. There is a choice to close your heart and not leave any space for love and light. You must choose the option that will lead you to a better disposition. Choosing to open your heart to yourself and to others will not only benefit you but those around you, as well.


Do you choose to willingly open your heart to all who grace your path? You must spread love and light wherever you go. Choose the path that will lead you to your own joy and peace. Choose the path that will lead you to a journey full of love and light. Let yourself walk through the path of greatness where you will no longer feel constricted and hindered. You always have the choice to bask in the light of the Divine Source. Choose wisely child of Divine Source, for in the choosing so lay the path before you. Travel this day in peace and harmony.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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