
Angel Message Of The Day : Truth and Clarity

Archangel Ambriel 


What is it you seek, beloved child of light? Have you felt like you’ve been wandering, and are looking for something? Trust your inner self and take a deep breath. You have to focus on what you want and what you aim for. 


Do you seek to speak your truth more clearly? Are you trying to be truthful and say what you want to convey? You have to stand up to everyone else and speak your truth as you deserve. 

Do you seek new opportunities in your job or career? If you are feeling that it’s time for you to grow in your career, maybe it is the right time to do so. There is always the right time to seek out new doors and opportunities that are waiting for you. 


Do you know what it is you seek this day? You have to stop and think about what you want. Do you know what you are aiming for? Be truthful to yourself and admit to yourself and everyone else what you want to get. 


Take a few moments, and light a candle of red or silver. Give it all the time that you want to take a breather and focus on what you’ve been seeking. Let there be light and clarity within your heart and soul so that you can focus on what you desire the most. Once you have become truthful with what you want, the clarity and peace that you are aiming for will come. After, you will learn how to reach out to the stars and grab all the opportunities coming your way

Declare your intentions, that which you desire most. You have to be upfront and stand up for what you want. You have to be truly honest with yourself, so you can have the courage to get what you desire. Declare what you want with an open heart and mind, so that whatever you want to get will come to you. The light is always within you, you just have to be truthful about what your inner self needs and wants. 


Be truthful with yourself, what is it you truly desire? This is the time to be honest with what you want in your life. What do you want to get, and what do you aim for in your life? Once you acknowledge your goals in life, you will have the courage to work hard for them. 


Perhaps you seek a love relationship and a harmonious working environment. May it be love or may it be a career, what matters is having the peace you are seeking for yourself. Perhaps you seek a deeper connection with Divine Source. In seeking a deeper connection, you will truly know yourself and be enlightened. 


Focus your thoughts and your emotions upon what you desire rather than not having what you desire. You have to concentrate on truly seeking out what you want. Afterward, learn how to prioritize these goals and aspirations of yours, so that you will acquire them at the earliest. You have to aim for your goal and focus on the positive outcomes you may get once you try to reach them. 

Focusing on what you do not want brings more of what you do not want to include negative emotions and thoughts of lack. When you focus on negative thoughts and feelings, they will creep up on you and darken your light. Focus on the positive side instead and manifest the good things that are meant for you. Let go of the negative thoughts inside your head and surround yourself with positivity and bring out the good in you. 


Turn your thoughts to giving thanks for all you desire; open your heart, mind, your Soul. Clear your inner space; create space for all you desire and more. You are made for greater things, and focusing on what you desire the most is just the beginning. There are lots of opportunities waiting for you, right on your doorstep. You just have to realize and focus.


Speak your truth with clarity. Be firm with your goals and manifest them. What you truly desire will be yours, as long as you’d be truthful and work hard to acquire it.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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