
Angel Message Of The Day : Compassion

Angel of Compassion 


Be compassionate with you this day. There is much ahead of you, know that all is in Divine Order within and around you. It is important that even with all of what you will encounter during your journey, you must be compassionate and kind. You must remember to radiate love and light within you. Give love to all it is that you are doing, give love to all that surrounds you. By showing compassion and kindness, you will learn and understand each and everyone around you. You will radiate love. Radiate light wherever you go, radiate love to all that surrounds you. By giving hope and showing your true essence to others, you will learn to understand yourself. At the same time, you will be a shining light to others, a guide that will help out others. 


Judge not what is before you, observe, acknowledge, moving forward one step at a time. Being compassionate is to be kind to you. You must be reminded to not judge what has come before, instead, open your heart and mind. It is important to bring love and light along your journey, and do not forget to be kind to yourself and to others. 


Being compassionate is offering non-resistance to experiences to the actions of others. No, beloved child, we are not saying you must accept that which is not of love. When you show compassion, it does not mean you must accept all the negativity around you. Instead, it is showing understanding and empathizing with the people that you care for the most or people you encounter along your journey. Everyone around you has their own path to travel, that is why you must be more understanding of what everyone is going through. 

We ask you to consider offering non-resistance to that which is before you. In offering non-resistance, negativity ceases. When you accept things as they are, you will see things in a different light. Seeing things in a positive light will change your outlook and will lead you to a greater path. Embrace all of what is next for you without any judgment and negativity. Instead, focus on what is ahead of you and see through the eyes of love and light.


Be kind to you on this day. Judge not your actions, thoughts, or emotions. Judge not the thoughts, actions, or emotions of those around you. Show compassion and kindness in all ways possible. The beauty of trying to understand the people around you and empathizing with people as much as you can is important in your journey. You must try to see things with no judgment in your heart and mind. Fill them with love and light, and you will learn that you will see things differently. A world that is full of kindness is a world full of love and understanding.


Compassion is understanding yourself, knowing there is so much more than what appearances reveal to the naked eye. When you fully understand yourself, you acknowledge all that is within you. You will fully grasp who you are as a person. By knowing yourself better, you can empathize with people around you and be more understanding and kind. You must choose to be compassionate and kind in all possible ways. You must radiate love and light wherever you will go. At the same time, you must remember that it all starts with yourself. Show compassion and kindness toward yourself.

Compassion is loving you as no other. Compassion is sharing a smile, a kind word, and giving time to you and to others. It is important to first and foremost, love yourself in all ways that you can. When you are compassionate and kind toward yourself, you will learn how to show compassion and kindness to others. There are many ways in which you can show compassion, and it will not take you time, at all. The fact that compassion and kindness can be shown through small things such as sharing a smile, saying a kind word, and others show how important it is and how small but important its impact is.  There is always a choice in all that you are doing. How shall you choose to express compassion on this day?

Amanda Cooper

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