
Angel Message Of The Day : Disengage from Struggle and Conflict

Angel of Serenity 


Disengage; withdraw your thoughts and your emotions from that which is not of love. This does not mean that you don’t participate in life, but rather that you disengage from struggle and conflict. To disengage from conflict and struggle. To withdraw your thoughts, your emotions from that which is not of love. This can be extremely difficult when we are caught up in a situation that feels overwhelming or out of control. It can feel as if our very survival is at stake. Our instinctive reaction may be to fight back or resist being pulled into an emotional maelstrom.


Disengage; simply turn your thoughts to that which brings a smile to your beautiful, loving face. The ego wants to be right, and it wants to win! It uses fear, anger, and frustration as its weapons of choice to keep us from seeing and feeling the truth of any situation. When you are struggling and in conflict, your attention is often focused on the conflict itself. You are attached to your ideas, opinions, beliefs, and judgments about what’s happening. When you disengage from struggle and conflict, you simply turn your thoughts to that which brings a smile to your beautiful, loving face.


In your mind imagine you are doing an about-face, turning a corner, walking away from conflict, surrendering the need to be right or to be heard. When you are struggling and in conflict, your attention is often focused on the conflict itself. You are attached to your ideas, opinions, beliefs, and judgments about what’s happening. When you disengage from struggle and conflict, you simply turn your thoughts to that which brings a smile to your beautiful, loving face. The mind can only focus on one thing at a time. It cannot focus on two things at one time. So when you practice disengaging from struggle and conflict, you aren’t ignoring the problem or pretending it doesn’t exist, you are just changing your focus so that your attention is not absorbed by what is not working or what has not happened yet.

At times silence is louder than words spoken or actions taken. Sometimes you get so caught up in the turmoil and noise of your life, that you forget to take a step back. You cannot see where you are going if all you are doing is looking at the ground. When you find yourself in an argument with someone and you feel like you are being attacked or being put down, it’s important to disengage from the conversation. The best way to do this is by not answering back. If they ask you something, just say “I have nothing more to say on this topic at this moment”. This will force your attacker into silence and they won’t know what else to do except walk away from the argument because there is nothing left for them to say or do.


Surrender the need to fight for yourself. The struggle is often the biggest obstacle to happiness, love, and peace. The world is full of people who can’t let go, who cannot surrender. They fight for what they want, they fight for their beliefs and they fight to be right. Sometimes they win, sometimes they lose. Either way, the cost is high. When you are struggling with someone else, you are struggling with yourself. And when your focus is on yourself, it’s impossible to see clearly what’s going on in another person’s life or the world around you.


Surrender the need to be seen. There are times in life when you find yourself in a place where you are struggling and fighting. In those times, it is difficult to see a way out of the struggle. It feels like there is no way out and you are just going to be stuck there forever. When this happens, it’s important to remember that struggle can be a good thing and that it is part of life. You experience struggle at some point in your life, but how you respond to it makes all the difference. You can choose not to engage in the struggle itself and instead disengage from it by surrendering. Surrendering is an act of letting go and allowing whatever is happening to be what it is without trying to change or fix things. 


Choose to see, to hear; allowing all that is not to your liking to flow past you in peace and tranquility. One way to disengage from struggle and conflict is by surrendering the need to be seen. This is not about hiding or being unseen. It’s about realizing who you are and then letting go of any fear or shame about what others may think of you. When you surrender the need to be seen, you can begin to connect with others on a deeper level. You can begin to see them as they truly are instead of how they appear through our self-centered lens.

We are suggesting you be open; simply do not play the game. The most important thing about disengagement is that you disengage from struggle and conflict. The game of engagement with life is played in many different ways, and it can be played with great skill and energy. But if you are playing this game, we are suggesting that you stop playing it for a moment. This does not mean that you should stop doing anything or even thinking about anything. It means that for now, you let go of the idea of doing anything or thinking about anything. You let go of the idea of trying to figure out what is going on, or trying to figure out what you should be doing next. You let go of the idea of deciding whether something is good or bad, right or wrong, interesting or boring, just let go


We ask you to consider playing a game of speaking kindly or not speaking. When you are in conflict, it is best to disengage from struggle. When you are struggling, you cannot hear the other person’s heart. When you disengage from struggle, you can hear the other person’s heart and see what is needed to make peace. If you are speaking harshly or harshly judging someone else, then stop and ask yourself honestly if there is any love in what you are saying. If there is no love in what you are saying then stop saying it. If there is love in what you are saying then continue saying it but with more kindness.

Act kindly, think kindly allowing others to create their reality. Peace and tranquility are yours for the asking, for the choosing. In this moment you have a choice, you can choose to engage in struggle and conflict or you can disengage from struggle and conflict. To be clear, there is no right or wrong choice here. Choosing to disengage means that you will not engage with the other person’s issues, beliefs, or opinions. It does not mean that you will avoid them or ignore them entirely, it means that if they are struggling with something that does not concern your own life or well-being then you will not engage with them on those matters. You will let them be who they are without feeding into their problems or allowing them to use your energy as an outlet for their issues.


How shall you choose this day?  Acting kindly does not mean being weak or passive or timid or submissive or any other negative connotation associated with these words; it means acting from a place of love and respect for yourself as well as others around you. Let go of conflict, strife, anger, and hatred. Release the need to control others or be controlled by them. Disengage from struggle and conflict that has been created from the past or present. You do not have to continue in this way any longer.


Shall you choose to disengage from struggle and conflict? Many of us find it difficult to disengage from conflict, particularly when we are caught in a power struggle. We may feel that we need to keep fighting as if our survival depends on it. However, there are some situations in life where it is best to choose disengagement. This is not the same as giving up or not caring about the outcome; rather it involves stepping back from the situation and letting others deal with it. The first point to make is that we need to be clear about what we want and what is important to us before deciding whether or not to disengage from struggle and conflict. If you do not know what you want or why you want it then there is little point in trying to resolve the issue at hand.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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