
Angel Message Of The Day : Expanding Beyond Your Comfort Zone

Archangel Haniel 


All that has come before this moment brings you to the edge of all you have known. There is much growth, much expansion before you.  You have come far already, but there is still so much more to learn and experience. You are on the cusp of something new, something exciting and unknown. You have been preparing for this moment for a long time. You have learned many lessons, faced many challenges, and overcome many obstacles along the way. Now it is time to take another step forward toward greater understanding and self-awareness. The path ahead may seem daunting at times, but if you hold to your heart’s purpose, all will be revealed in time. You are learning to let go and move forward with faith and confidence in the unknown. You are learning how to live and thrive in a world that does not always make sense or conform to your expectations. You are learning to let go and move forward with faith and confidence in the unknown. You are learning how to live and thrive in a world that does not always make sense or conform to your expectations.

There are a few among you who would see you stand your ground, expanding no further. We say this to you, place one foot before the other, step into the light, and come out of the shadows for there is only love and light, compassion, strength, harmony and balance, abundance and prosperity, seeing beyond the physical realm limitations.   You are the ones who will be the first to see, feel and experience the changes that are coming. You may find yourself feeling anxious or uneasy at times, but this is only because you are stepping outside of your comfort zone. You have come to a place of choice where you will be held in the light of love and compassion for yourself, for others, and for the good of all. There are a few among you who would see you stand your ground, expanding no further. You are here to expand your awareness beyond what has been taught to you by those around you. You are here to create your reality through your thoughts and actions.


There is much which tempts you from your path.  The temptation to avoid discomfort, fear, and uncertainty. The temptation to follow the crowd and do what everyone else is doing. The temptation to conform to what others expect of you. It’s easy to get distracted from your path. If you want to achieve your dreams and live a happier life, then you need to expand beyond your comfort zone. Don’t you love those days when things just seem to flow? You get up and have a productive day, with little effort. You accomplish everything on your to-do list and even get some extra things done.

Give you the gift of reaching out to another to assist you in your Spiritual growth.  As you grow and evolve spiritually, you will find yourself reaching out to others for help and guidance along the way. This is a great time to ask the divine one for the courage and wisdom needed to reach out to others. Be open-minded. The world is a big place. You can go all over it and find new cultures, different languages, and new people. But what about the boundaries of your comfort zone? What about the people who are right next door? Expanding beyond your comfort zone means reaching out to other people who are different from you. It means learning about their life experiences and cultures. It means being willing to share your own story with them too.


Choose wisely seeking the Soul Light of another whose gift of light is unconditional. Trusting the path before you may at times be fraught with the appearance of deceit.  This we say to you, all that is not of love and light shall be made known to you.  The journey of the soul is an ongoing process of expanding your comfort zone. You say this because where you are in your life right now and where you will be in the future are two very different places. This is true for all of everyone and you must expand your comfort zone to include new things, new people, and new situations.


Give thanks, for the light shines upon all things in all places great and small.  It is the source of our joy, our peace, and our freedom. Take a moment to pray, meditate or reflect on what you are grateful for. You may find yourself wanting more than what you currently have, but feeling too scared or unsure about how to achieve it. It can feel overwhelming when you first start thinking about taking action toward something new or different in your life. The modern world is so safe, comfortable, and convenient that you spend most of your time in a state of passive consumption. This leaves you feeling empty and dissatisfied with life.


All is illuminated in the light of Source.  When you are in your comfort zone, you have created a space for yourself where everything appears to be safe and secure. You have created a place where everything seems to have order, and there is no need for change or transformation. You’re not alone if you feel like you need some help pushing past the barriers that keep you from experiencing true freedom, joy, and abundance in your life. When you expand your comfort zone, you become more aware of the world around you and the way it works. This is important because it allows you to connect with the divine energy that flows through everything.

There is only light and there is only love.  When you are in your comfort zone, you are not growing. When you are out of your comfort zone, you are growing. The only way to break free from this cycle is to step outside of our comfort zone and challenge ourselves in new ways. However, how do you start to grow? Life is difficult. Every day you face challenges and obstacles that seem impossible to overcome. The Light and Love guide you throughout your journey. The guide of the light will walk you through getting out of your comfort zone regularly. This doesn’t mean that you have to do something completely scary or dangerous, but it does mean that you should push yourself out of your comfort zone whenever possible.


All else shall fall from you and be not afraid on this day. You may even feel like you’ve been here before and nothing has changed. You may not know what’s on the other side of that wall, but it’s a safe bet that it will be worth it. Start small. Don’t try to do everything at once, or you’ll just be overwhelmed and tempted to give up. Instead, pick one small step that’s easy to do, but that will move you toward your goal.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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