
Angel Message Of The Day : In The Moment Of The Asking

Archangel Gabriel 

Many about you would see you silenced.  They will tell you to be quiet, that it’s not your place to speak up, that your voice doesn’t matter, and that you can’t change anything. Do not hesitate in your voice. Your voice is a tool that you speak from your inner wisdom. Your voice matters more than you know, so please don’t be afraid to use it. The power of your voice and the importance of using it. You must believe in your right to speak out and share your truth freely and without fear of being attacked or silenced.

Many about you would see your sight blinded.  The message that you bring is a difficult one, and it brings with it a challenge that is seldom met with grace or gratitude. You may get too focused on the surface of an object that you may forget about what’s internal. In the moment of the Asking, you will be asked to look up and down. You raise your head to see the sky that the Universe made. You are the one who has been called to be the light in this world. A light that shines with hope, love, and truth. You are the one who is meant to lead others into the light.

Many about you would attempt to hold you where you have already traveled. The moment of asking is a moment of truth. It is the point at which you are most vulnerable and most exposed. The voice of fear tells you that you can only do what others have done before you. It tells you that you should look at your past to see how you should proceed in the future. You have only to ask yourself how many times you have asked for something and received it, and then how many times you asked for something and were denied. You may find that there are many things that you desire that you receive without any difficulty at all. As the awakening continues, there is a great deal of pressure placed on those who have started on the journey and are beginning to experience more than others do. You are loved. You have the light within you. 

In the seeking of your true essence, be not swayed by the thoughts, emotions, deeds, and intentions of others.  Look to your own heart and mind. This is your true essence. Trust in that which you find within yourself to guide you through this journey you call life. Know that you are not alone in your questioning. You are here, at this moment. You are in charge of your life. You are not responsible for anyone else’s actions or choices. You cannot control them or change them no matter how much you wish to do so. And you are seeking your true essence.

Call upon me and my brethren, we shall assist you in the moment of the asking. As long as you are willing to accept the angels and creation from the Universe, the light will help you with your problems. Light and love will bring comfort to those who need it most, and you will ease your burdens. This is also the time when you can feel most alone and helpless. However, many want to help you but you must ask them for assistance. It is the time when you have reached a point of no return when all your efforts have failed and your back is against the wall.


Call upon me and my brethren, we shall light the way before you.  In the moment of Asking, there is a great need for courage and strength. For this reason, you must call upon those who have gone before you to light your way. Do not hesitate to be guided with the light and love. During this time it is necessary to pay special attention to your surroundings, keep an eye out for those who may wish to harm you, and protect yourself by keeping your home and property secure.

Call upon me and my brethren, we shall make the way smooth before you. Even when you are alone, there is guidance within you watching over your shoulder as a whisper into your ear what is meant for you to hear. When you are ready, call upon me the angel and brethren, and we shall make the way smooth before you.

Be strong in the days ahead, all is given in the moment of the asking. At the moment of asking, the answer is already known. You have asked for help and learned to listen. You have asked for love and learned to receive it. You have asked for wisdom and learned to trust your own heart. Also, believe that there is a time for everything, and that time is now. The moment you ask, you are opening yourself up to receive what you have asked for. At that moment, there is no room for doubt. You must believe with all your heart that your request will be granted.

Allow yourself to align with all you have asked. Step out of your way.  allow yourself to align with all you have asked. It is important to remember that your asking is not about getting what you want. Your asking is about aligning with what you want. Step out of your way, and let the Universe show you how to make it work. You’ve asked for what you want and you’ve done so from a place of love. You’ve created the space for something new to happen. You’ve asked because you want it to be. Asking allows us to step out of our way and allows us to receive that which we have asked for without judgment or attachment.

Gift yourself with your heart’s desires. When you ask for what you want or need, you are not only permitting yourself to have it but also permitting yourself to receive it.   Peace be with you this day and all the days before you. May you have peace in this time of uncertainty and turmoil. May you find strength during challenges and know that no matter what happens in this world or during these times.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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