
Angel Message Of The Day : You Are…

Archangel Michael 


Beloved Child of light and love, no harm shall come to you this day. You bring out hope like no other, and you are the most precious one. You bring out the best in people, and you have to surround yourself with positivity. This means focusing on what matters and letting go of the shadows around you.


You are loved, protected, and guided beyond your knowing. You’ve always been. You just have to look carefully within yourself. None can touch you except by words or deeds if you allow shadow and darkness to cloud your sight. This means you have to focus on the lighter side of things, including only the good stuff you should be looking into. Instead of dark thoughts and energy surrounding you, go focus on the light and love. There is nothing more important than prioritizing the good things in your life.

Breathe deeply the pureness of the driven snow. Hold on to hope and light. Release the shadows that seek to overtake you. The darkness will never win, for you are the beloved child of light and love. You have to hold on to the good and positive things within your life. That’s where you will find peace. You deserve nothing but all of the good things that you have right now, and all of the good things that you shall achieve.


Breathe deeply the pinks and blues of the morning skies. For that’s what you deserve, the peace within yourself and your surroundings. Release the shadows of what was. You have to let go of the energy and feelings that are not worth your time. Breathe in, and release. Once you have cleared your mind of the negativity, you have let go of the shadows within your life. It’s a great achievement to focus on the now and on the positive things you should be surrounding yourself with.


Breathe deeply the oranges and yellows of the night sky for they cleanse all in your path. Once again, you have to remind yourself that peace should be within you. Release all that is not of love and light for you are protected from all that is not of love. You are protected from all that is not light. 

There is no-thing, no one to fear except fear itself. Fear cripples, and will make you tremble. Once fear seeps in, it will lead you to things that are not worth your time. You should not focus on this. Remind yourself that you are more than your fears. You have to stand your ground and be the light that you are. This does not only affect you but everyone around you, as well


Look yourself in the eye; see all that is before you. You have to ground yourself, and focus more on things that should matter. Know that you are more than blessed, you are loved. See love, for you are love. See light, for you are light. See strength, for you are strength. See how lovable, how full of hope you are, and how strong you are.  


Step into the Light of Divine Source. You should always seek out the light within you, and remind yourself of who you are. Surround yourself with positive energy like no other, and that’s what you deserve. Embrace who you are meant to be, and what you are capable of doing. You have too much to give to the world.


All is revealed in the light for there are no shadows in which to hide. Once you have the light and love within yourself, you will know that hope is within your reach. Darkness and shadows will never have the chance to creep up to you, just as it should be. There should be no space for the negativity within your life. Rather, you should focus on all of the good things.

Step into the golden yellow rays of light; allow the light within you to illuminate all before you. Let yourself be immersed in the light and love we speak of. Focus on bringing out the hope within your heart. You are the light, a gift that keeps on giving.    


Breathe in, and breathe out. All is well with you today.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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