
Angel Message Of The Day : Light Among The Shadows Of Darkness

Archangel Michael 


Call upon me for protection, clearing away all lower negative energies from all places, and situations. You will be guided with light and love. Do not let your shadows come into you. I am here to guide you through difficult times and help you overcome obstacles that are standing in your path. I will clear all the negative energies that surround you and bring peace, happiness, and abundance back into your life. I will also clear your mind so that you can think clearly, focus on your goals and manifest them quickly. I am here to help you find a new way of handling situations that have become overwhelming for you so that they do not overwhelm you more than they already have.


Call upon me for protection from lower negative energies projected from those about you.  My role is to protect humanity from lower negative energies projected by those about you. It is my job to ensure that these energies do not enter your space and cause harm. Open your heart and mind to receive the blessing you deserved in your life. and you will be protected from harm. You will be guided with light and love through difficult times as your love will give strength to your protectors.

As a moth is drawn to the flame, so shall your light attract many moths. you have a choice about what you do with your life. You don’t have to follow your passions if you don’t want to, but if you do, be prepared for what comes next. If you follow your passion and throw yourself into it, there will be times when people don’t understand why you’re doing what you’re doing. Keep your flames up and do not let your light disappear. The blessing will be attracted to you as you remain your light all the way your path. The blessing will come to you when you are not distracted by fear, doubt, and worry. You will attract a blessing when you are in a state of gratitude. The only thing that can stop you is your lack of trust in yourself and those around you. 

Many seek to illuminate their spirits along their journey.  Everyone in the earthly realm is on a path of growth, and sometimes it is difficult to see where they are going. This can be frustrating when you want to know what happens next. You want to know if your life will get better or worse if you will be successful or not, and if you will find love or not. Keep believing in yourself and have the motivation to spark your light. In that way, you will not be lost from your shadows and for those who know the darkness, it is a journey of hope, a quest for meaning and purpose. The road is often arduous, but it can be made easier by the light of others.

Some seek to extinguish the light of the flame.  If you are not aware of the darkness, you may need help finding your way in the dark. You may need to be pointed in the right direction and given some guidance along the path. Do not be afraid and do not let your flame die. Light comes from many sources. It can be a friend or family member who has been there before you, who has walked through the dark places and found themselves on the other side of despair. It can be a teacher or mentor who has seen your potential and helped you find it within yourself. It can be someone who has overcome great obstacles in their own lives and succeeded despite them all.


Call upon me and my brethren beloved child, for the light of the Creator shall shine forth through all layers of darkness. I am your Archangel and I will protect you from the darkness consuming your soul. The darkness still reigns upon this world but it is no longer able to hold back the light of the Archangel that shines through all layers of darkness. You have been chosen as one to be protected by the one who will stand up and fight back against the forces of evil that seek to destroy mankind’s free will. The Archangel is here to help lift you, out of any fear or worry that you have about what lies ahead in this time of change however it only one thing for you, that you come forward with love in your heart and trust in our guidance as we lead you on this path of enlightenment and ascension into higher consciousness.


Release that which does not belong to you. The negativity in you is temporary in your soul and you must seek help from the Archangel to protect you. I am here to tell you that your soul is pure and beautiful, but because of the negative thoughts you have been thinking about yourself, you have created a dark energy around you. You must release this energy now before it affects your health or relationships. Take the courage with you as you are an emissary of light, so be vigilant and protect yourself from negative thoughts, emotions, and energies.

Release the fear of being alone as you are not alone in this Realm because the Archangel will give you a light for guidance. Release the fear of being unloved because you are loved unconditionally by the people around you and the Divine one’s love. Release the fear of not having all you desire because the warmth of the divine one will make you relax and calm from the challenges you will encounter in the darkness. 


Open your heart, mind, body, and Spirit to all that is before you.  As the light within becomes brighter, know you will begin to vanish in the eyes of some, for they will not be able to see you, and the light within becomes stronger in its softness, know some will attempt to extinguish the light within you.  Your faith, trust, inner strength, your knowledge will be tested. Remain strong, and vigilant, against the darkness of others.  Many over the ages have sought to destroy, to conquer, attempting to extinguish the Divine Spark within each of you.  


Call upon me and my brethren, we shall protect and shield you from all that is not of love and light. Call upon me, I carry the sword of light mighty enough to clear away darkness and shadow. Call upon me and my brethren, we shall light the way before you for all your days. The Archangel will make you whole again, it will heal your wounds, and it will bring back those who have gone before us, those who were taken from this earth too soon by a world that does not understand the true meaning of life.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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