
Angel Message Of The Day: Expectation

Archangel Uriel 


Listen to your inner voice, the voice of discernment. Expectations are like hopes and dreams. They are based on what you think will happen, not what is going to happen. However, despite all this, you’re not living up to your potential. You’re not fulfilling your purpose or making a difference in the world as much as you’d like. It is important to reflect on these feelings and consider what steps you can take to align your actions with your aspirations. This may involve setting clear goals, seeking guidance or mentorship, and taking proactive measures to develop your skills and talents. Remember that personal growth and making a difference in the world is a journey that requires effort and dedication. By embracing this journey and listening to your inner voice, you can begin to live up to your true potential and create the impact you desire.


Listen with your heart, your inner essence. It means listening with your inner essence, the part of you that is pure and good, that has no judgment or opinions, no preconceived notions or biases. When you are in a state of quiet mind, you connect with your inner essence, which allows you to hear things more clearly and more deeply than when your minds are filled with distractions. To do this, you must quiet your mind. When you are in a state of quiet mind, you connect with your inner essence, which allows you to hear things more clearly and more deeply than when your minds are filled with distractions. Let go of judgment, opinions, preconceived notions, and biases. Quiet your mind and be fully present. Cultivate mindfulness and self-awareness. Connect with your inner essence. By listening with your heart and inner essence, you can foster genuine connection, understanding, and personal growth.


Receive that which is gifted to you in loving kindness. When you give this gift to someone, they will receive it with love and kindness. It will nourish them as a mother nurtures her child. They will be grateful to receive it because they know that they are receiving something that has been given freely, without expectation of anything in return. You must have faith that what you want exists and is available to you. You must love yourself enough to accept that which comes your way. And you must be willing to open your hand and let go of everything else so that what is meant for you can come into your life. Let go of attachments and expectations. It reminds you that to receive what is meant for you, you must be willing to release anything that no longer serves you. By opening your hands and letting go of what no longer aligns with your true desires, you create space for what is truly meant for you to enter your life.


Release the need to know what happens next. Expectations are a burden that can weigh you down and keep you from enjoying the present moment. They often lead to frustration, disappointment, and anger. Life is inherently unpredictable. No matter how much you plan or try to anticipate the future, there will always be elements beyond your control. By releasing the need to know what happens next, you free yourself from the burden of trying to predict and manipulate outcomes. When you are constantly preoccupied with what happens next, you miss out on the richness and beauty of the present moment. By releasing the need to know, you can fully immerse yourself in the present, savoring each experience and finding joy in the here and now.


Release the need to know that which continues to unfold before you. Expectation is a powerful force. It can make you feel anxious, frustrated, disappointed, and angry. It can also bring you happiness and joy. It all depends on how you use it. Accept that at this moment, you do not know. Let go of the need to know, let go of the desire to know and simply be open to what comes next. Be willing to trust in yourself and your ability to adapt, adjust, and respond with love, grace, and ease. The importance of trusting in yourself and your ability to adapt, adjust, and respond with love, grace, and ease. It reminds you that you have the inner resources and resilience to navigate the unknown. By cultivating self-trust and confidence, you can approach the unfolding of life with a sense of calm and assurance, knowing that you can handle whatever comes your way.


Be willing to move forward into the unknown, into the next moment. Moving forward into the next moment requires a willingness to let go of certainty and venture into the realm of possibility. By harnessing the power of imagination, you can shape your expectations and create a reality that aligns with your desires. The most important thing about expectation is that it involves imagination. If you want something to come true, you must imagine it as if it already has happened. Your mind has no way of knowing whether or not this is true until you’ve imagined it enough times that it seems real. Harness the power of your imagination. Visualize your desired outcomes. Repeat and reinforce your expectations. Tap into your creative potential. By embracing the unknown and harnessing the power of your imagination, you can shape your expectations and create a reality that aligns with your deepest desires.


Accept the gift of surprise, the gift of expectation of having all your desires manifest. It reminds you to open yourself up to the unexpected blessings that life has to offer and to trust in the alignment between your thoughts and your deepest desires. Receive that which is already yours. You can expect to be happy and fulfilled, and you will be. Expectations are powerful because they align your thoughts with your desires. They are inner knowing that you get what you want and deserve. Embrace the gift of surprise. Hold expectations of happiness and fulfillment. Align your thoughts with your desires. Trust in your deservingness. By embracing the gift of surprise and aligning your expectations with your desires, you can manifest a reality that is abundant, joyful, and fulfilling.

Amanda Cooper

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