
Chakra Cultivation : Day 6

How to Identify and Balance Your Chakras

You are not in the best mood for a while now. Your body aches all over, and you’ve been feeling under the weather, but there’s a negative feeling that persists as if darkness is looming over you. You’ve been wondering what’s the cause of this weight that’s becoming unbearable over time. A friend suggests checking if you should balance all Chakras. Now you’d wonder, “How to tell if your chakras are out of balance and how to know if your Chakras are balanced?” Let’s answer these questions more below.


What is a Balanced Chakra?

A Chakra is your body’s energy center. In previous articles, we’ve discussed the seven main Chakras and their purpose. When the prana (vital energy) free-flows and is regulated, the Chakras are considered balanced. On the other hand, if the flow of prana is disturbed or “blocked,” there is a significant imbalance in the Chakra which can manifest into physical, emotional, or spiritual health issues

If you’re trying to keep your life on track, and you suspect that something’s been hindering you, you can check out the list we’ve made for each Chakra. Let’s answer the question, “What does it mean to balance your Chakras?”

Root Chakra

What are the Signs of Blocked Root Chakra?

The Root Chakra is located at the base of your spine. This Chakra generally governs your feelings of stability and security. A Blocked Root Chakra can manifest into physical symptoms of pain or strain in your lower extremities, specifically your foot, ankle, and legs. 

On the other hand, this Chakra governs your sense of belonging and mental stability. A Blocked Root Chakra can manifest into emotional symptoms of insecurity, unsafety, and restlessness.

How to Balance Your Root Chakra?

If you seek to balance your Root Chakra, it is most important to connect with nature and ground yourself. Root Chakra is, after all, an earth element and stands for stability in your life. Actions such as hiking or taking a walk in nature are recommended. Grounding yourself can also mean performing a yoga pose that “roots” you to feel its connection. It’s also highly recommended to focus on the color red when meditating. 


Sacral Chakra

What are the Signs of Blocked Sacral Chakra?

The Sacral Chakra is located at your hips. This Chakra governs your feelings of obtaining pleasure and expression of yourself through creative ways. A Blocked Sacral Chakra can manifest into physical symptoms of issues in the reproductive and urinary systems. This also includes issues with the hips and lower back. 

On the other hand, this Chakra talks about your self-expression. A Blocked Sacral Chakra can manifest into emotional symptoms that include feelings of indifference or apathy, and loss of sense of creativity.


How to Balance Your Sacral Chakra?

If you seek to balance your Sacral Chakra, it is most important to focus on your emotions, so meditations or counseling can work for you. At the same time, an association of its color and element (orange and water) respectively can help in finding a balance in your Sacral Chakra. Focusing on the color, or even eating nourishing food such as orange will help you find the balance. Yoga poses such as pigeon and crescent poses would also be beneficial for you.

Solar Plexus Chakra

What are the Signs of Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra?

The Solar Plexus is located in your abdomen. This Chakra governs your feelings of confidence and your overall self-worth. A Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra can manifest into physical symptoms of digestive problems and abdominal issues.

On the other hand, since this Chakra talks about your ego, a Blocked Solar Plexus Chakra can manifest into either low confidence and self-esteem or arrogance. 


How to Balance Your Solar Plexus Chakra?

If you seek to balance your Solar Plexus Chakra, it’s important to build your self-esteem through meditation and affirmations. Continuous exercise related to strengthening your abdomen would also help in balancing your Chakra. At the same time, the Solar Plexus Chakra, as the name implies, is heavily associated with the sun, and spending time out in sunny weather can bring harmony to you.


Heart Chakra

What are the Signs of Blocked Heart Chakra?

The Heart Chakra is located at the heart, as the name implies. This Chakra governs your feelings of all forms of love you can send and receive toward yourself or to others. A Blocked Heart Chakra can manifest into physical symptoms of the heart, circulatory, and respiratory systems. 

On the other hand, since the Heart Chakra talks about your ability to love and be loved in return, the emotional symptoms of a Blocked Heart Chakra include issues with self-love and loving others. Overactivity of this Chakra also includes jealousy and possessiveness.

How to Balance Your Heart Chakra?

If you seek to balance your Heart Chakra, the best way is to focus a great amount of self-love and boundaries in your relationships. Practicing words of affirmation and constant meditation and yoga can help you be in the right state of mind. At the same time, since this Chakra is associated with air, it’s best to try out breathing exercises.


Throat Chakra

What are the Signs of Blocked Throat Chakra?

The Throat Chakra is located at your throat, as its name implies. This Chakra governs your ability to express yourself in all ways possible. A Blocked Throat Chakra can manifest into physical symptoms such as throat, mouth, and neck problems. 

On the other hand, since the Throat Chakra talks about communication, emotional symptoms of it can either include your inability to speak up regarding your wants or needs or excessive talking and not listening to what others have to say.


How to Balance Your Throat Chakra?

If you seek to balance your Throat Chakra, you must beneficially use your voice. Singing your heart out, listening to music, or talking to your friends and family can help you attain balance in your Chakra. At the same time, make sure to soothe your throat by having honey lemon, or other remedies. It’s also important to make sure that you can address the topics that have been bugging you to address your wants and needs. Another way to balance your Throat Chakra is by meditation. 


Third Eye Chakra

What are the Signs of Blocked Third Eye Chakra?

The Third Eye Chakra is in the middle of your eyebrows. This Chakra talks about your wisdom and dependence on your intuition. A Blocked Third Eye Chakra can manifest into physical symptoms such as headaches, and issues with the eyes and nose.

On the other hand, since it talks about your intuition, a Blocked Third Eye Chakra can manifest into emotional symptoms of feeling lost, not having a purpose in life, and not being able to depend on your gut feeling.


How to Balance Your Third Eye Chakra?

If you seek to balance your Third Eye Chakra, you must focus on calming your mind through meditation and yoga. You must learn to trust your instincts and gut feeling. At the same time, this Chakra is associated with your dreams, so keeping a diary where you can take note of your dreams would be great.


Crown Chakra

What are the Signs of Crown Chakra? 

The Crown Chakra is located at the top of your head, at the “crown” part of your head. This Chakra talks about being enlightened and your connection with the Divine. A Blocked Crown Chakra can manifest into minimal physical symptoms such as headaches since it is mostly connected to your spiritual body.

On the other hand, the emotional symptoms include feelings of lack of empathy and understanding of the world around you, focus on negative thoughts, and even melancholy.


How to Balance Your Crown Chakra?

If you seek to balance your Root Chakra, it is important to focus on meditation since the Chakra is the most connected to your spiritual consciousness. In yoga, inverted poses will be most beneficial for you. At the same time, charity work and service will also help balance the Crown Chakra.


Final Thoughts

Identifying the symptoms that a blocked Chakra manifests can help you know the root cause of the issue. On the other hand, learning how to balance your Chakras on your own will help you reach a fulfilled and harmonious life. Most of the time, meditation to balance Chakras can help in all aspects. The same goes for incorporating yoga to balance chakras in their daily lives.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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