
Chakra Cultivation : Day 5

The Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Effects of Blocked Chakras

You want to know more about how your Chakras get blocked and how it affects you. Have you ever wondered what are the Chakras blocked by? What does a blocked chakra feel like? First, you must remember that your physical, mental, and spiritual well-being are all interconnected with each other. This is why any imbalances in your Chakras can manifest into symptoms that you may feel emotionally or physically. Let’s discuss and learn more about the effects of blocked Chakras.


What Causes Blocked Chakras?

Chakras are the energy centers, and it is vital that the energy (Pranas) free flows on the energy channels (Nadis). If the energy is “blocked,” it cannot flow freely and will result in physical, emotional, and spiritual problems. If you have a physical illness, it can disrupt the energy flow. On the other hand, any changes in your emotional state caused by trauma or stress from life can affect the flow of the energy in your Chakras. Consequently, even if it causes overactivity of energy, it will still be considered imbalanced since there are more energy flows than in the other areas.

How do you know if you have a blocked Chakra? In these cases, your Chakra can either be blocked or overactive. Having a blocked Chakra means there is a small amount of energy flowing. On the other hand, an overactive Chakra means too much energy flows in the area. The physical symptoms of blocked chakras can differ based on which specific Chakra is having issues. It also includes different psychological signs of blocked chakras that can help determine its root cause.

Blocked Chakras and Their Meanings


Root Chakra

The Root Chakra is located at the base, and surely enough, it talks about your stability in life and a sense of belonging. If the Root Chakra is blocked, physical symptoms include issues with the lower extremities, immune system, and reproductive system and emotional symptoms include aggression and possessiveness. 

If the Root Chakra is balanced, you will feel grounded and secure, and stable in life. Aiming to reconnect with your Root Chakra includes meditations and positive words of affirmation. You can also include actions such as hiking and being one with nature.


Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra is located above the pubic bone. It governs your sense of creativity, pleasure, and passion. Effects of blocked Sacral Chakra differ from being overactive or underactive. If it is overactive, that means you are easily attached or have emotionally unhealthy behavior. If it is underactive, you might be indifferent and have issues expressing yourself. On the other hand, the physical symptoms of a blocked Sacral Chakra are issues with the reproductive or urinary system. 

If the Sacral Chakra is balanced, you are independent and in healthy relationships with good boundaries. Aiming to reconnect with your Sacral Chakra includes tapping into your creativity and finding a balance in your relationships.

Solar Plexus Chakra 

The Solar Plexus Chakra is located above the navel area. It talks about the power within you, and it is the most defining of your confidence. Effects of blocked Solar Plexus Chakra differ from being overactive or underactive. If it is overactive, it means you are overbearing and easy to anger. If it is underactive, you are passive and unable to make decisions on your own. If the Solar Plexus Chakra is blocked, physical symptoms include issues with your spine and digestive system. 

If the Solar Plexus Chakra is balanced, you feel more confident and you can make decisions based on your wants and needs. Aiming to reconnect with your Solar Plexus Chakra includes practicing words of affirmation toward yourself. At the same time, keeping your food intake in check will surely help with digestion problems.


Heart Chakra 

The Heart Chakra is located in your heart region, as the name implies. It talks about your power to send and reciprocate love. A blocked heart chakra can be overactive or underactive, as well. Overactive blocked Chakra means putting others’ needs above your own in an unhealthy way or having negative feelings of jealousy and hatred. Underactive blocked Chakra means dwelling in sadness and inability to create deep connection. If the Heart Chakra is blocked, physical symptoms include issues with the heart, circulatory, and respiratory problems.

If the Heart Chakra is balanced, you have a healthy loving relationship with others without neglecting yourself. Aiming to reconnect with your Heart Chakra means exercising being extra kind toward yourself and to others.


Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra is located at your throat, as the name implies. It talks about your ability to communicate and be true to yourself. The Throat Chakra can be overactive or underactive. Overactive blocked Chakra includes talking too much without listening to what others have to say. Underactive blocked Chakra includes your inability to speak your truth and express it. On the other hand, physical symptoms include headaches and issues with your neck and voice.

If the Throat Chakra is balanced, you can express your needs and wants without being shy about it. Aiming to reconnect with your Throat Chakra means being active and empowering yourself to express yourself better. 

Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye Chakra is located between your eyebrows. It talks about your intuition and wisdom. Third Eye Chakra can be either blocked underactive or overactive. If it is underactive, it means you have doubts about trusting yourself and others. If it is overactive, you are having issues with focusing due to having a lot on your plate. If the Third Eye Chakra is blocked, physical symptoms include headaches and forgetfulness.

If the Third Eye Chakra is balanced, you can depend on your instincts. Aiming to reconnect with your Third Eye Chakra includes being in tune with yourself and trusting your gut feeling.


Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra is located above the head. It talks about your connection with the spiritual world and being enlightened. The Crown Chakra can either be underactive or overactive. If it is underactive, you feel lost as you lack purpose in life. On the other hand, if it is overactive, you might feel isolated and disconnected from the people around you.

If the Crown Chakra is balanced, you feel fulfilled and enlightened. Aiming to reconnect with your Crown Chakra includes meditation and nourishing your body and soul.


Final Thoughts

We learned about the symptoms of a blocked chakra and the effects of chakra balancing. Learning more about the different effects of blocked Chakra can lead you to learning more about taking care of yourself. Focusing on getting a balance in your life is the way to lead a healthy physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Amanda Cooper

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