
Angel Message Of The Day : Celebrate



Celebrate joy, harmony, and peace.  May you be surrounded by love and light. May every step you take bring you closer to the person you want to become. When you celebrate joy, harmony, and peace, you will feel contentment with life as you understand and walk towards the right path along with love and light. Surround yourself with positive people who encourage you, inspire you, and help you grow as an individual. Accept others for who they are, even if they don’t accept themselves as much as they should or could be doing, and practice forgiveness, even if it’s not easy to do so.


Contentment shall be your constant companion.  It gives you a sense of peace and security, knowing that all your needs are met and you don’t need anything more at this moment in time. When you are content, you can be happy regardless of circumstances. You don’t need to change anything to be happy. You will no longer require anything, for whatever you need shall be yours. You will be at peace with your life and with the world around you. You will no longer feel that life is unfair or that others are not treating you fairly.


Celebrate the many blessings, and gifts given to you.  No matter how much you have and how little you have, everyone is blessed with something. You may not realize it or even see it at times, but there is something about each individual that is special. Everyone has gifts and talents that make everyone unique in some way. Each of these gifts comes from the Universe, one who gave them to each of us because it knew they would be needed in this world. you must remember what it means to truly be grateful as you have the opportunity to love and be loved by others. 


Celebrate the abundance of opportunities. Choose to see that which is gifted to you rather than the absence of your desires.  There are infinite opportunities out there. You just have to choose the ones that are right for you. It’s hard not to see what’s missing when what’s missing is all around you. You can’t help but notice when there’s a gap between what you want and what you have, between where you are now and where you want to be. You probably already know that if you were to sit down and pay attention to all the amazing things in your life, you’d realize that you’re incredibly blessed. You just need to be willing to shift your perspective from negative to positive.

All is in Divine Time occurring in Divine Order. Choose to see past the illusion of lack for in reality there is no lack there is only abundance in all things.  Choose to see past the illusion of lack for in reality there is no lack there is only abundance in all things. Be grateful for what you have and be happy with that. The Universe never fails to provide what you need, but it does not provide what you think you want. To help align your thoughts with your desires, spend some time each day imagining yourself already having realized them. Create an image of how this would look and feel. The Universe will respond to your thoughts and actions, so be sure to focus on what you want from life and not what you don’t want.


Choose to see past illusion for the ways of the physical realm do not bind you.  embrace the illusion for it will allow you to learn from it. You can choose to grow spiritually by learning from your experiences and using them as stepping stones to greater happiness. If you find yourself caught in a cycle of pain, misery, and suffering, know that it is your choice to continue along this path. Do not be afraid, the universe will always be there for you. Everything happens for a reason and everything happens at the right time. The choice is yours and in this moment, you are free to choose your path. 

Choose to see love, feel love, and express love.  That which is not expressed to its fullest is lost to you and those around you.  Love is a choice, not merely an emotion. You can choose to see love, feel love, and express love. This begins with self-acceptance. When you accept yourself as you are, then you are better able to accept others as they are. This allows you to be more at ease with your own mistakes and imperfections, which in turn allows you to accept those of others more easily as well. Love will always be there. You are not born with it or without it. It’s something that you develop through your experiences and your relationships with others

That which is not expressed in thought, or emotion, through your actions is forever lost. Choose to express your Divine Nature for in sharing, you prepare yourself to receive all you seek.  When you share your deepest thoughts, feelings, and experiences with another person they will find that they feel closer to you than ever before because they now understand who you truly are on a deeper level than anyone else ever could. Both parties understand each point of view of life. Even though each individual has their path and we must find our way towards fulfillment.


Celebrate the many joys of this day. Celebrate the many gifts given to you.  As you reflect on this day, you may want to consider some of the things that make it special for you. You are surrounded by people who love you. You are not alone. Remind yourself of the gifts given to you by family, friends, and strangers alike. Let them know how much you appreciate their presence in your life. Today is a day for celebration, a day for gratitude. A day to make your life better, a day for love and kindness.


Contentment shall be your constant companion. It is the peace that comes from being satisfied with what you have and not coveting more, be it money, relationships, or even health. If you are content with yourself and your life, then you can be happy regardless of your circumstances. Happiness comes from within. You will feel euphoria and your life will walk through the path of light and life. 

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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