
Angel Message Of The Day : Inner Peace & Self Love

Archangel Chamuel 


Love yourself as you would love others.  Is it possible to love yourself as you would love someone else? Yes, start seeing yourself as a person. Love is the most powerful force in the world. It can change people, it can change situations, it can even change our lives. Accepting yourself means accepting the good along with the bad parts of your personality because you are a child of the universe. Your purpose is to shine His light through the world. You are here for a reason. Every moment of your life is exactly where it needs to be. they all make up who you are as a person and without one part, there wouldn’t be another one present either


Love yourself openly, gently, and with compassion.  You can love yourself by being kind and gentle with yourself. You can love yourself by forgiving yourself for your mistakes and letting go of blame. self-compassion helps strengthen your emotional regulation abilities, which reduces feelings of anxiety and depression. You do not have to be perfect to love yourself; nor does anyone else expect you to be perfect to love them. Loving yourself is not about being selfish or narcissistic. It is about valuing yourself, honoring your needs and desires, and treating yourself with kindness. When you love yourself deeply, you can see your beauty, and your worth and feel happy with who you are.

All that has come before this moment brought you to where you are.  You’ve been through so much and survived it all. You’re stronger than you thought possible. You’ve been through a lot of challenges and it is still the beginning of your journey. Your life is exactly where you’re meant to be. Inner peace comes when we realize that everything in our lives is exactly what it needs to be right now. The process of healing begins when we accept that nothing is wrong, nothing is missing, and everything is perfect. This is a time of celebration and gratitude. For what you have done, for who you are, and for the gift of life itself.


Embrace all that faces you. You are here to experience life, both the good and the bad. You are here to learn from your mistakes and grow from them. You are a divine being. You are meant to shine and be radiant. You are here to love yourself, love others, and allow yourself to be loved by others. You are here to love yourself and others unconditionally, even when it’s hard. It’s okay to make mistakes and it’s okay to fail at times because it means that we’re trying new things outside our comfort zone. Inner peace is the most powerful force in the world, and self-love is the key to unlocking it.


Nurture you with loving kindness for you are whole, complete, and perfect at this moment.  There is nothing to rearrange. You are already moving through the world with grace, power, and ease. To nurture inner peace, you must first learn to love yourself unconditionally and accept yourself as you are. Only then will you be able to fully embrace life in all its splendor and beauty, knowing that joy and sorrow are two sides of the same coin? Flip the coin to see your luck, both results happen for a reason. Inner peace is the experience of a calm, relaxed, and steady state of being. Inner peace is also used to describe the attributes that constitute inner peace, as well as the benefits that come from it. 

There is nothing to surrender. Surrendering means letting go of the resistance to what is happening right now. Even if that means facing something challenging or uncomfortable like grief or fear or anger. Surrendering doesn’t mean giving up on yourself; it means permitting yourself to let go of your need for control over every aspect of your life and accept what’s going on now without fighting it or wishing it away. Inner peace is the ability to find balance inside yourself. It comes from learning how to be quiet and still, and how to listen for guidance from your higher self.


There is nothing that needs to be done or undone. Nothing needs to be fixed or changed. There is no problem to be solved or problem-solver. All there is is this moment. And this moment has already passed. You can only change your perception of what happened in the past and what might happen in the future. It is not someplace you have to go or a state of mind you have to reach. It is already here. It is the nature of your mind, and it has always been here. There is nothing that needs to be done or undone to find inner peace. 


Your essence is your true self. You are perfect at this moment, right now. The mind has a constant stream of thoughts and feelings flowing through it all day long. Some of these thoughts and feelings are positive, some negative, but they keep on coming. You do not need to change a thing. Inner peace is not something that needs to be found. It is not someplace you have to go or a state of mind you have to reach. Inner peace is synonymous with self-love, acceptance, and forgiveness. When you can forgive yourself for your mistakes and accept yourself for who you are in this moment, your inner peace will naturally grow stronger and more stable.

Allow your inner light to shine forth this day radiating peace, harmony, and joy. Inner peace, self-love, and self-acceptance are the keys to living a life of joy and fulfillment. We want to feel calm, at ease, and relaxed, but we don’t all know how to find it. Inner peace is not something we can achieve by force or will. It comes from within. When we are in a state of inner peace, we know that everything is going to be okay. Inner peace and self-love are two concepts that are closely related but they are also different in important ways. 

Amanda Cooper

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