
Angel Message Of The Day : Practicing Faith

Angel of Faith 


Patience is your guide through days that appear to be fraught with the unknown. When you look forward to tomorrow, there is a looming darkness that may come to your mind. You will inevitably feel that troubles will come your way. There are times when it is hard to be positive and be the most patient, especially with hardships that you might face every day. The hope that all is in the Divine Order may not be squashed away by doubts and fears that you hold on to. Regardless if you are on the road less taken, or if you are on a path that is unfamiliar to you, you must rise above. You must release the fear within you, and fill your heart with love and light. Focus on courage and faith, and believe that all is well.


What situation or experience is before you at this moment? In life, you will encounter good and bad days that may make or break you. There are situations that you can no longer control, and all you are allowed to do is accept and let them pass. The important part is understanding what lessons the past has given you, so you would know better. Putting your faith in the present is a must, even if it is hard to do. Holding on to the reality of your current situation, and realizing that all is well will do wonders. Look into the unknown with anticipation, and rise above all fears and doubts that may loom your heart and soul.

Allow you to see the golden ray of light, choosing to see beyond physical appearances. How does one exercise faith in the face of adversity? You must practice faith even in the direst situations you face. You must hold on to the light and positivity that you seek. You must learn to step back and realize that the negative emotions you may be feeling are temporary. Remembering that all shall pass will let you see things in a positive light. Practice faith even in the most dire situation you have undergone in your life. Do not let the doubt stop you from walking towards your path. In situations you feel that is not in your favor, you must remember that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.


Do you wish to feel differently? Do you choose to see beyond the physical realm of limitation, fear, or anger? There are many hindrances that you would encounter in your day to day. This includes negative thoughts that may block your view and hinder you from achieving greatness. Do not let them. Choose to see differently, so you will no longer be caged to the world that will lead you to a life lacking love. In limitation, you will lead a life while you are scared of your true potential. In fear, you will lead a life full of regrets for not taking risks. In anger, you will lead a life full of resentment and hatred toward others. In love, you will feel blessed and appreciative of all of those around you. 

We do not suggest you turn a blind eye to that which is happening to those around you. We are suggesting you merely observe that which occurs. There is always a choice if you will choose to seek your faith that in the unknown, you are at the right moment. In the observing, allow all to flow around you. Choose to allow only that which is positive to enter into your thoughts, your emotions, and your actions. When you choose to see the brighter side, you will appreciate the blessings bestowed upon you. This will show you a smoother than a ray of the light side you have not seen before. Envision the future, and you hope all is well, and it shall be.


Do you know all that is to be in the moments ahead? Do you choose to trust that all is well?  Do you choose to trust that there will be something to step upon or you shall be taught to fly? When you try to envision the future ahead, it is normal to feel overwhelmed with the possibilities of life. Practice faith by assuring yourself with positive affirmations that you must hear. At the same time, you must always keep in mind that you are never alone in the journey ahead of you. All is in the Divine Order of the universe, and the light within you has always been at your very core. You are full of love and light, and it is your greatest strength throughout your journey. Practice faith in knowing that all is well.

Faith is in knowing I and my brethren through Divine Source, have provided all. In providing, there can only be love, light, harmony, prosperity, joy, health, and peace. Look about you, what do you choose to see this day? When there is love, you are given unconditional understanding, acceptance, and compassion. In light, there is hope and positivity in your heart and soul. When there is harmony, all that is around you is balanced as it should be. In prosperity, you are given blessings and gifts to nurture your soul. When there is joy, you are given the ultimate gift of happiness and appreciation. In health, there is gratitude for being present at this very moment. When there is peace, you are at ease knowing that all is in Divine Order.


How do you choose to walk the path before you? Celebrate you and all that you are, and know all is as it should be. Choose to walk the path before you with the trust that you are on the right path, as you should be. Celebrate knowing all is in Divine Order this day. Choose to see that you are more than blessed, and you are never alone in the journey you have taken. You are in the right moment all along. Faith in the unknown is a treasured gift only you can give to yourself.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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