
Angel Message Of The Day : That Which Coincides

Guardian Angel of Focused Intention 


There are many distractions along the path before you.   Sometimes it is best to leave things alone, even if they are tempting. You may want to do something about it, but it’s not worth it for just one thing. It’s easy to get distracted by shiny things, but you must resist them and keep your eyes on your goal. If you fall down on this path, pick yourself up and keep going. Never give up. You will never know if your efforts have been successful until after you have completed the task at hand, so keep moving forward despite all obstacles in your way. The best thing you can do is stay focused on what needs to be done and not let yourself get distracted from that task by anything else.


Look about you; acknowledge all that is a part of your life at this moment. We live in a world of constant distraction. Our minds are always looking for the next thing to do, the next thing to see, or the next person to talk to. As a result, we become disconnected from ourselves and others. We stop paying attention to what is happening right now and instead get lost in our thoughts about something that happened in the past or might happen in the future. Take a few moments today to simply look around at where you are and what is happening around you now. Take a deep breath and notice how it feels in your body as you do this simple exercise.

Look about you; keep your sight upon that which you desire most.  Look about you; keep your sight upon that which you desire most. Then let your mind dwell upon it day and night until it becomes a reality in your life. do not let anything interfere with your thoughts on the subject; keep them there until they become an obsession with you; until they are constantly before your eyes; until they are uppermost in your mind at all times; until they become part of yourself – until they have completely taken possession of every fiber of your being.


Each step along the path before you has the potential to be of value.  You are not alone on this journey. We all have times when we feel lost in our lives, and we all experience setbacks or failures along the way. But you can use these experiences to learn more about yourself and how to be better prepared for future challenges and opportunities. When you’re stuck, it’s tempting to look at others who seem to be living a life of ease and wonder what they did differently. It’s easy to think that if only you had their education or their job or their money, then everything would be easier for you. But this can be a trap; people who seem to have everything going for them often have just as many problems as everyone else. If we focus on the importance of each step instead of comparing ourselves with others, we’ll find ourselves happier and more fulfilled in our own lives. Look about you; keep your sight upon that which you desire most.  Look about you; keep your sight upon that which you desire most. Then let your mind dwell upon it day and night until it becomes a reality in your life. do not let anything interfere with your thoughts on the subject; keep them there until they become an obsession with you; until they are constantly before your eyes; until they are uppermost in your mind at all times; until they become part of yourself – until they have completely taken possession of every fiber of your being.

There are no mistakes. There are no coincidences, only that which coincides one with the other. Where is it that you are along your path? What do you see happening to you?  You are about to embark on a journey. The journey has been long in the making and will continue for many years to come. The path before you is not easy, but it is also not without its rewards. You may not know who has asked you or why they asked, but know that they had their reasons and they think that you can do what needs to be done. Sometimes we may wonder why things did not work out as we planned or why things did not go our way even though we did everything right. But there is always something else going on behind the scenes that we cannot see or understand from our perspective alone. It takes someone else’s perspective to help us see things differently.


With whom do you see you?  Focus upon that which you desire. Focus upon the joy of having, being, and doing that which you desire. Visualize yourself as having already received or accomplished what it is that you desire. See yourself enjoying the fruits of your labor and accomplishment. See yourself as a success and as enjoying all of the good things in life that are rightfully yours. If you’re not sure what it is that you want, or if things are vying for your attention, then begin by asking yourself what gives you joy. Do this every day for a couple of weeks and see what emerges from your subconscious. Once you’ve got an idea of what brings joy to your life, ask yourself what it would take for those things to continue bringing that joy into your life. What actions would be required for them to keep coming into your life? Don’t overthink it, just write down whatever comes up naturally.


Express gratitude for all you are blessed with at this moment. Express joy in the giving of you to you and others.  When you give thanks for what you have, it creates an energy of abundance that attracts more of what you want into your life. Gratitude is like a magnet for attracting positive experiences into your life. When you focus on what you don’t have, it creates an energy of lack that repels the very things you desire from coming into your life. Allowing yourself to be happy means that there is no room for fear or worry or sadness or guilt or shame or any other negative emotion that could potentially disrupt your happiness.


Express gratitude for all you are blessed with at this moment. Express joy in the giving of you to you and others. When you give thanks for what you have, it creates an energy of abundance that attracts more of what you want into your life. Gratitude is like a magnet for attracting positive experiences into your life. When you focus on what you don’t have, it creates an energy of lack that repels the very things you desire from coming into your life. Allowing yourself to be happy means that there is no room for fear or worry or sadness or guilt or shame or any other negative emotion that could potentially disrupt your happiness.


The focused intention on that which is for your highest and best good is one of many ways to heal. Healing is a very personal and individual experience. When it comes to healing, we all have our unique way of doing it. Some of us use traditional medicine, some of us use natural herbs, some of us use crystals, and some of us use prayer. There are so many ways to heal ourselves and others. All these methods are effective in their way. As we continue our journey of self-healing, it is important to remember that no matter what you are going through, you are not alone. Many people have experienced what you are going through, and others have found a way to heal.

That which is before you is the manifestation of all that has come before.  Your actions are the creation of your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions from the past. Everything you see around you, every person, every object, even this moment in time, is but an illusion created by your mind. When you observe any object with your senses, what are you looking at? You are looking at a reflection of yourself. Now, what makes us different from other animals on this planet? For starters, we have a conscious mind that exists outside of our bodies; this allows us to think about what we want to do before we act on it. This gives us an advantage over other living beings because we can use our minds to plan for the future rather than just reacting to whatever happens in the present moment.


This we say to you. if you wish things to change, change the things you focus upon; making way for all you desire to manifest along your path. All shall be made manifest more completely, more lovingly, with joy.  Begin to look at you, seeing all that which flows one into the other.  


Be aware of where you are at this moment.  Be aware of where you want to be.  Be aware of where you focus your energy. Be aware of all about you, giving thanks for all that has come before making way for all that is yet to be.

Amanda Cooper

NourishingYourSpirit, brought to you by Altrusitic Pte. Ltd., is a spiritual platform for all users to be educated and enriched with vital spiritual content that will aid them in their life's journey. Daily Astrological Forecast along with spiritual content in astrology, tarot, psychic, manifestation, etc. will be open for everyone to read. With our dedicated Amanda Cooper, spiritual enthusiast, who will bring about constant updates so that everyone can benefit through their walk in life.

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